Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

If your XBRL taxonomy references the table linkbase, MapForce can be configured to display the node types applicable to the table linkbase (such as tables or breakdowns). This enables you to map data to or from facts displayed in rendered tables. To show the Tables from table linkbase view in the XBRL component, take the steps below:


1.Go to the Insert menu and click XBRL Document.

2.Browse for the XBRL instance file. See Adding XBRL Files as Mapping Components.

3.Click the XBRLComponentContextMenu (Show Context Menu) button next to the root element. Then click Select Structure Views.

4.Select Tables from table linkbase and click OK.


For information about other views, see Selecting Structure Views.



When reading data from an XBRL component (that is, if the XBRL component is a source component), you can choose any combination of structure views from the context menu XBRLComponentContextMenu. However, when writing data to XBRL, if the Tables from table linkbase view is selected, it is not possible, for technical reasons, to write data to any other view except this one.

The Tables from table linkbase view requires that BUILT-IN be set as a transformation language.


To render information from the table linkbase, MapForce normally uses the structural model, with the following exceptions:


Merged rule nodes are visible.

Roll-up nodes without siblings do not form a separate hierarchy level.


The structural model is one of the three data models defined by the Table Linkbase Specification 1.0, §4. To identify the parts of the structural model referenced by the mapping, MapForce also uses information from the definition model.


Since a MapForce component structure is one-dimensional, whereas tables can have up to three dimensions (x, y, z), MapForce displays table dimensions by nesting all breakdowns within each other, in the following default order: z, y, x. As such, the purpose of breakdowns nodes in MapForce is to inform you where each breakdown starts.


Filing indicators (EBA)

According to the EBA Filing Rules, filing indicators show the user's intention to report or not to report a specific reporting item. EBA-related taxonomies use filing indicators when tables have a label with the linkrole (EBA Filing Rules §1.6.3). In addition, the concept for the filing indicator facts must exist: find:fIndicators (EBA-compatible style).


The Filing Indicators node is shown in the target XBRL component if (i) the Tables from table linkbase view is enabled in an XBRL component, and (ii) the taxonomy uses filing indicators as specified above. The Filing Indicators node is shown as a child of the xbrli:xbrl root element, between the id attribute and the first table node.


MapForce allows you to auto-generate filing indicators for target XBRL components. The Filing Indicators node has no mappable datapoints, only a button to change the setting. Clicking the button allows choosing how filing indicators are to be generated: (i) None, which means no filing indicators will be generated in the output (default option), and (ii) Auto-generate, which means filing indicators will be generated for all relevant tables in the component. Tables that have any input connections in the subtree will generate a positive filing indicator filed="true"; unconnected nodes will generate a negative filing indicator filed="false".


In this section

This section shows how to work with entities from the table linkbase and is divided into the following topics:


Showing or Hiding Breakdowns

Changing the Order of Breakdowns

Working with Parameters


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