FlexText Component Settings
After you add a FlexText component to the mapping area, you can configure the settings applicable to it from the Component Settings dialog box. You can open the Component settings dialog box in one of the following ways:
•On the Component menu, click Properties (this menu item becomes enabled when you select a component).
•Double-click the component header.
•Right-click the component header, and then click Properties.

FlexText Component Settings dialog box
The available settings are as follows.
Component name | The component name is automatically generated when you create the component. You can however change the name at any time.
If the component name was automatically generated and you select an instance file after that, MapForce will prompt you to optionally update the component name as well.
The component name can contain spaces and full stop characters. The component name may not contain slashes, backslashes, colons, double quotes, leading or trailing spaces. In general, be aware of the following implications when changing the name of the component:
•If you intend to deploy the mapping to FlowForce Server, the component name must be unique. •It is recommended to use only characters that can be entered at the command line. National characters may have different encodings in Windows and at the command line. |
FlexText Configuration | Specifies the name or path of the FlexText template (.mft) used by the component.
To select a new template, click Browse. To edit the template in FlexText, click Edit. |
Input Text File | Specifies the text file from which MapForce will read data. This field is meaningful for a source component and is filled when you first create the component and assign to it a text file.
The source text file specified here takes precedence over the one defined in the FlexText template. If this field is empty, the filename defined in the FlexText template is used as source. |
Output Text File (for Code Generation) | Specifies the name or path of the text file to which MapForce will write data. This field is meaningful for a target component when generating code. Entering a full path allows you to specifically define the target directory, for example, c:\myfiles\sequence.txt. |
Save all file paths relative to MFD file | When this option is enabled, MapForce saves the file paths displayed on the Component Settings dialog box relative to the location of the MapForce Design (.mfd) file. |