Altova XMLSpy 2023 Enterprise Edition

Finding Formula Components

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Formula components can be found using their IDs and by navigating through the occurrences of the component in the document.


Find formula component by id

In taxonomies with large formula linkbases containing several components of the same kind, it might be helpful to search for a component by its ID. The menu command XBRL | Find Formula Component By Id enables a search by ID.


On clicking the command a dialog pops asking for the ID to find.


Find component occurrences

Most formula components are displayed within the formula linkbase diagram multiple times: (i) the definition, which is located directly under the appropriate section node, and (ii) all references to the component (via relationships). The commands Find Next Occurrence and Find Previous Occurrence in the component's context menu (screenshot below) navigate to all places where that formula component is referenced.


These commands can also be accessed via their toolbar icons (screenshot below).


When the component’s definition is reached, a message to that effect is displayed.


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