Altova XMLSpy 2025 Professional Edition


The objects described in this section (Application API for Java) are obsolete from v2012 onwards.


For information about how to access the Application API from Java code, see the section: Programming Languages | Java.



// Since version 2004R4

public class SpySchemaDocumentationDlg


 public void ReleaseInstance();

 public SpyApplication GetApplication();

 public SpyDialogs GetParent();


 public String GetOutputFile();

 public void SetOutputFile( String i_strVal );

 public long GetOutputFormat();

 public void SetOutputFormat( long i_eVal );


 public boolean GetShowResult();

 public void SetShowResult( boolean i_bVal );

 public long GetOptionsDialogAction();

 public void SetOptionsDialogAction( long i_eVal );

 public long GetOutputFileDialogAction();

 public void SetOutputFileDialogAction( long i_eVal );

 public boolean GetShowProgressBar();

 public void SetShowProgressBar( boolean i_bVal );


 public void IncludeAll( boolean i_bInclude );

 public boolean GetIncludeIndex();

 public void SetIncludeIndex( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeGlobalElements();

 public void SetIncludeGlobalElements( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeLocalElements();

 public void SetIncludeLocalElements( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeGroups();

 public void SetIncludeGroups( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeComplexTypes();

 public void SetIncludeComplexTypes( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeSimpleTypes();

 public void SetIncludeSimpleTypes( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeAttributeGroups();

 public void SetIncludeAttributeGroups( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeRedefines();

 public void SetIncludeRedefines( boolean i_bVal );


 public void AllDetails( boolean i_bDetailsOn );

 public boolean GetShowDiagram();

 public void SetShowDiagram( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowNamespace();

 public void SetShowNamespace( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowType();

 public void SetShowType( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowChildren();

 public void SetShowChildren( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowUsedBy();

 public void SetShowUsedBy( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowProperties();

 public void SetShowProperties( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowSingleFacets();

 public void SetShowSingleFacets( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowPatterns();

 public void SetShowPatterns( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowEnumerations();

 public void SetShowEnumerations( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowAttributes();

 public void SetShowAttributes( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowIdentityConstraints();

 public void SetShowIdentityConstraints( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowAnnotations();

 public void SetShowAnnotations( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetShowSourceCode();

 public void SetShowSourceCode( boolean i_bVal );


 // Since version 2009

 public boolean GetEmbedDiagrams();

 public void SetEmbedDiagrams( boolean i_bVal );

 public long GetDiagramFormat();

 public void SetDiagramFormat( long i_nVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeGlobalAttributes();

 public void SetIncludeGlobalAttributes( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeLocalAttributes();

 public void SetIncludeLocalAttributes( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetIncludeReferencedSchemas();

 public void SetIncludeReferencedSchemas( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetMultipleOutputFiles();

 public void SetMultipleOutputFiles( boolean i_bVal );


 // Since version 2010

 public boolean GetEmbedCSSInHTML();

 public void SetEmbedCSSInHTML( boolean i_bVal );

 public boolean GetCreateDiagramsFolder();

 public void SetCreateDiagramsFolder( boolean i_bVal );


// Since version 2010r3

public boolean GetGenerateRelativeLinks();

public void SetGenerateRelativeLinks( boolean i_bVal );


// Since version 2011r2

public boolean GetUseFixedDesign();

public void SetUseFixedDesign( boolean i_bVal );

public String GetSPSFile();

public void SetSPSFile( String i_strVal );




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