Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Im nachstehenden Code wird gezeigt, wie man die Applikation startet und beendet.


Starten der Applikation

Bevor Sie die Applikation starten müssen die entsprechenden Klassen importiert werden (siehe unten).


01 // Access general JAVA-COM bridge classes

02 import com.altova.automation.libs.*;


04 // Access StyleVision Java-COM bridge

05 import com.altova.automation.StyleVision.*;

06 import com.altova.automation.StyleVision.Enums.ENUMApplicationStatus;


08 /**

09  * A simple example that starts the COM server and performs a View operations on it.

10  * Feel free to extend.

11  */

12 public class RunStyleVision

13 {

14   public static void main(String[] args)

15   {

16     // An instance of the application.

17     Application stylevision = null;


19     // Instead of COM error-handling, use Java exception mechanism.

20     try

21     {

22       // Start StyleVision as COM server.

23       stylevision = new Application();


25       ENUMApplicationStatus status = ENUMApplicationStatus.eApplicationRunning;

26       do{

27         // Check the application status

28         status = stylevision.getStatus();

29         System.out.println("status : " + status + "\n");

30       } while (status != ENUMApplicationStatus.eApplicationRunning);


32       // COM servers start up invisible, so we make the server visible

33       stylevision.setVisible(true);


35 ...

36     }

37   }  

38 }


Beenden der Applikation

Die Applikation kann wie unten gezeigt beendet werden.


1 {

2       // Make sure that StyleVision can shut down properly.

3       if (stylevision != null)

4         stylevision.dispose();


6       // Since the COM server was made visible and still is visible, it will keep running

7       // and needs to be closed manually.

8       System.out.println("Now close StyleVision!");

9 }


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