Iterating through Open Documents
The code snippet below (from the AutomateXMLSpy example; see the file Form1.cs) shows how to iterate through open documents. A condition is then tested within the iteration loop, and the document view is switched between Text View and Authentic View.
// Handler for the "Toggle view mode" button
private void toggleView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Make sure there's a running XMLSpy instance, and that it's visible
StartXMLSpy_Click(null, null);
// Iterate through open documents and toggle current view between text and authentic view.
foreach (XMLSpyLib.Document doc in XMLSpy.Documents)
if (doc.CurrentViewMode == XMLSpyLib.SPYViewModes.spyViewText)
The AutomateXMLSpy example example is located in the C# subfolder of the API Examples folder:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 | C:\Users\<username>\Documents\ |
You can compile and run the project from within Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015/2017/2019/2022.