Altova UModel 2025 Enterprise Edition

Creating Getter and Setter Methods

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During the modeling process it is often necessary to create get/set methods for existing attributes. UModel supplies you with two separate methods to achieve this:


Drag and drop an attribute into the operation compartment

Use the context menu to open a dialog box allowing you to manage get/set methods

To create getter/setter methods using drag and drop:

Drag an attribute from the Attribute compartment and drop it in the Operations compartment.


A pop-up menu appears at this point allowing you to decide what type of get/set method you want to create.


Selecting the first item creates a get and set method for interestRate:float.


To create getter/setter methods using the context menu:

1.Right-click the class title, e.g. SavingsAccount, and select the context menu option Create Getter/Setter Operations. The Create Getters/Setters dialog box opens displaying all attributes available in the currently active class.


2.Use the buttons to select the items as a group, or click the getter/setter check boxes individually.


Note: You can also right-click a single attribute and use the same method to create an operation for it.

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