The Commands tab allows you customize UModel menus or toolbars.

To add a command to a toolbar or menu:
1.On the Tools menu, click Customize.
2.Select the command category in the Categories list box. The commands available appear in the Commands list box.
3.Click a command in the Commands list box and drag it to an existing menu or toolbar. An I-beam appears when you place the cursor over a valid position to drop the command.
4.Release the mouse button at the position you want to insert the command. A small button appears at the tip of mouse pointer when you drag a command. The check mark below the pointer means that the command cannot be dropped at the current cursor position. The check mark disappears whenever you can drop the command (over a toolbar or menu).
•Placing the cursor over a menu when dragging, opens it, allowing you to insert the command anywhere in the menu.
•Commands can be placed in menus or tool bars. If you created you own toolbar, you can populate it with your own commands/icons.
•You can also edit the commands in the context menus (right-click anywhere to open the context menu), using the same method. Click the Menu tab and then select the specific context menu available in the Context Menus combo box.
To delete a command or menu:
1.On the Tools menu, click Customize.
2.Click the menu entry or icon you want to delete, and drag with the mouse.
3.Release the mouse button whenever the check mark icon appears below the mouse pointer. The command (or menu item) is deleted from the menu or tool bar.