Sorting Files in Designs
The Sort sub-menu provides options for sorting file boxes in alphabetical order or according to their widths.

Note: Alphabetical sorting is case-sensitive.
To sort file boxes by name:
1.Select the file boxes you want to sort.
2.Select the menu option Layout | Sort or right-click and choose Sort | By Name from the context menu. A sub-menu appears.
3.Select the appropriate option from the sub-menu. Alternatively, skip step 2 and do one of the following:
•Click the Sort by Name ascending button from the Sort toolbar.
•Click the Sort by Name descending button from the Sort toolbar.
To sort file boxes by width:
1.Select the file boxes you want to sort.
2.Select the menu command Layout | Sort or right-click and choose Sort | By Width from the context menu. A sub-menu appears.
3.Select the appropriate option from the sub-menu. Alternatively, skip step 2 and do one of the following:
•Click the Sort by Width ascending button from the Sort toolbar.
•Click the Sort by Width descending button from the Sort toolbar.