WSDL Relationships
WSDL files can import other WSDL files or XML schemas. In addition, one or several inline schemas may be present in a WSDL file. SchemaAgent illustrates these relationships with different colors.

The default color for imports is magenta; for schema relations, it is light blue.
Inline schemas are displayed when you expand the "types" section in a WSDL box. You can also show a file box for the inline schema. The file box for the inline schema has a dashed border; apart from that, you can proceed as with any other XML schema box.
To display an inline schema:
1.Expand a WSDL box until the inline schemas are listed under "types".
2.Do one of the following:
oRight-click an inline schema and select the Show inline option from the context menu.
oClick the icon to the left of the inline schema entry.
oDouble-click the inline schema entry.
To hide an inline schema:
•Do one of the following:
oRight-click an inline schema and clear the Show inline option from the context menu.
oClick the icon to the left of the inline schema entry.
oDouble-click the inline schema entry.