Altova SchemaAgent 2025

Files with supported extensions are added to a design either using the context menu in the Explorer window or by dragging them from the Explorer window into a Design window. Each file is displayed as a file box. Existing relationships between files are represented with colored lines.

To insert files or folders into a design:

In the Explorer window, do one of the following:


To insert one or several individual files, select the desired files and drag them into a Design window using the left mouse button.

To insert all files contained in a folder, drag the folder into a Design window.


The files or the files contained in the dragged folders, respectively, appear in the Design window. Alternatively, you can also select one or several files or folders and choose Insert into current design from the context menu or press Insert.

To insert the file(s) as well as all directly or indirectly referenced files:

Select one or more files, drag them into a Design window using the right mouse button and select the desired option from the context menu that appears. The selected file(s) as well as the respective referenced files appear in the Design window.

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