Altova SchemaAgent 2025

Apart from the definition of Includes, Imports, and Redefines, files cannot be directly edited in SchemaAgent. However, the context menus of the Explorer window and the Design window provide options to edit the selected files in XMLSpy or MapForce. These options are available only if the respective programs are installed on your computer.

To edit a file in XMLSpy:

In the Design window or in the Explorer window, select the file you want to edit and do one of the following:


Right-click and select Edit in XMLSpy from the context menu.

Press Ctrl+Y.

To edit an .mfd file in MapForce:

In the Design window or in the Explorer window, select the MFD file you want to edit and do one of the following:


Right-click and select Edit in MapForce from the context menu.

Press Ctrl+M.

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