Altova SchemaAgent 2025

In the Extras menu, you connect to a SchemaAgent Server, reload the search paths, and correct reference paths to ghost schemas for selected or all schema boxes.


Connect to Server

The Connect to server ic_connect-to-server command opens the Connect to SchemaAgent Server dialog box where you can connect to a SchemaAgent server.


Reload Search Paths

The Reload search paths ic_reload command enables you to update the graphical user interface of the application when any of the files on the search path (or the search paths themselves) have changed, see Reloading Search Paths.


Correct Reference Paths

The Correct reference paths ic_correct-reference-paths (Ctrl+R) command attempts to find alternative locations for referenced files that cannot be found. You have to select a schema box with an alert ic_alert icon in a Design window or in the Explorer in order to enable this command in the Extras menu. See Ghost Schemas and Incorrect Paths.


Correct all Reference Paths

The Correct all reference paths ic_correct-all-references command attempts to find alternative locations for all referenced files that cannot be found. See Correcting multiple paths.


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