The code snippet below (from the AutomateXMLSpy example) lists the code for two event handlers. The AutomateXMLSpy example (see the file Form1.cs) is located in the C# subfolder of the API Examples folder:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 | C:\Usuarios\<usuario>\Documentos\ |
You can compile and run the project from within Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015/2017/2019/2022.
Code snippet
// Event handler for OnDocumentOpened event
private void handleOnDocumentOpened(XMLSpyLib.Document i_ipDocument)
MessageBox.Show("Document " + i_ipDocument.Name + " was opened!");
// Remember if the event handler is currently registered.
private bool bEventHandlerIsRegistered = false;
// Handler for button 'OnDocuemntOpened Event On/Off
private void toggleOnDocumentOpenedEvent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (XMLSpy != null)
if (bEventHandlerIsRegistered)
XMLSpy.OnDocumentOpened -= new XMLSpyLib._IApplicationEvents_OnDocumentOpenedEventHandler(handleOnDocumentOpened);
XMLSpy.OnDocumentOpened += new XMLSpyLib._IApplicationEvents_OnDocumentOpenedEventHandler(handleOnDocumentOpened);
bEventHandlerIsRegistered = !bEventHandlerIsRegistered;