Altova MapForce 2023 Professional Edition

Generate Code (Alternative)

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The following JScript example shows how to load an existing document and generate different kinds of mapping code for it.


// ------------------- begin JScript example ---------------------
// Generate Code for existing mapping.
// works with Windows scripting host.
// ----------------- helper function ------------------
function Exit(strErrorText)
function ERROR(strText, objErr)
  if (objErr != null)
     Exit ("ERROR: (" + (objErr.number & 0xffff) + ")" + objErr.description + " - " + strText);
     Exit ("ERROR: " + strText);
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- MAIN ------------------
// ----- create the Shell and FileSystemObject of the windows scripting
  objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
  objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  { Exit("Can't create WScript.Shell object"); }
// ----- open MapForce or access running instance and make it visible
  objMapForce = WScript.GetObject ("", "MapForce.Application");
  objMapForce.Visible = true;     // remove this line to perform background processing
catch(err) { WScript.Echo ("Can't access or create MapForce.Application"); }
// ----- open an existing mapping. adapt this to your needs!
objMapForce.OpenDocument(objFSO.GetAbsolutePathName ("Test.mfd"));
// ----- access the mapping to have access to the code generation methods
var objDoc = objMapForce.ActiveDocument;
// ----- set the code generation output properties and call the code generation methods.
// ----- adapt the output directories to your needs
  // ----- code generation uses some of these options
  var objOptions = objMapForce.Options;
  // ----- generate XSLT -----
  objOptions.XSLTDefaultOutputDirectory = "C:\\test\\TestCOMServer\\XSLT";
  // ----- generate Java Code -----
  objOptions.CodeDefaultOutputDirectory = "C:\\test\\TestCOMServer\\Java";
  // ----- generate CPP Code, use same cpp code options as the last time -----
  objOptions.CodeDefaultOutputDirectory = "C:\\test\\TestCOMServer\\CPP";
  // ----- generate C# Code, use options C# code options as the last time -----
  objOptions.CodeDefaultOutputDirectory = "C:\\test\\TestCOMServer\\CHash";
catch (err)
  { ERROR ("while generating XSL or program code", err); }
// hide MapForce to allow it to shut down
objMapForce.Visible = false;
// -------------------- end example ---------------------

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