Build Enterprise Solutions – in Record Time

MobileTogether Makes It Easy

Altova MobileTogether empowers enterprises with the tools they need to connect to backend data and develop robust, data-driven enterprise solutions faster than ever before.

To build no-code database apps, try RecordsManager in MobileTogether Designer.

Why Choose MobileTogether for Enterprise Solutions?

How Does it Work?

The MobileTogether platform includes everything you need to build, deploy, and update your enterprise solutions.


In-house developer or technical user builds and tests an enterprise application in the free MobileTogether Designer.


Developer deploys the solution to your MobileTogether Server (either on premises or in the cloud).


Instant Deployment

End-users access your solution on desktops and laptops via the native Windows client or any web browser. Your app is simultaneously available on mobile devices via the native client apps for iOS and Android.

Add Value to Your Data

Finally, enterprises can get the exact reports, dashboards, and forms that they need – without restriction. MobileTogether solutions aren’t limited to any relational database vendor or product ecosystem.

Rather than simply repurposing functionality from existing productivity apps or being constrained by the archaic reporting tools that come with your backend systems, MobileTogether allows you to build sophisticated enterprise apps that add new value to your data through innovative ways of viewing, analyzing, and reporting, as well as inputting data to your back-end systems using powerful forms and business logic.

Empower Your In-House Development Teams

MobileTogether uses a combination of drag-and-drop UI design, the powerful Action Tree visual programming language for event handling, and standardized functional programming for data selection and processing.

Then, MobileTogether does the heavy lifting for you, generating an app for all mobile and desktop platforms based on your single design.

This approach to rapid application development (RAD) makes it easy for your existing programmers, web developers, and even citizen developers to build highly sophisticated enterprise apps.

Connect End Users to Critical Business Data

For creating data-driven enterprise solutions, MobileTogether supports all relevant backend data sources, including:

  • REST and SOAP Web services
  • XML
  • JSON
  • HTML

It also supports direct connectivity to the most popular relational databases:

  • Firebird
  • IBM DB2 for iSeries®
  • IBM DB2®
  • Informix®
  • MariaDB
  • Microsoft Access™
  • Microsoft® Azure SQL
  • Microsoft® SQL Server®
  • MySQL®
  • Oracle®
  • PostgreSQL
  • Progress OpenEdge
  • SQLite
  • Sybase® ASE
  • Teradata

Legacy data sources such as EDI, Excel, and CSV can be easily connected via MapForce Server integration. No other development framework gives you such comprehensive access to critical data in a single version.

Build Feature-rich Reports, Dashboards, and Forms

Enterprise solutions you build in MobileTogether can include all the sophisticated features and functionality today’s end users expect, including:

Build enterprise applications with charts, graphs, and dashboards

Rich charts, graphs, and dashboards

Create enterprise mobile forms

Enterprise mobile forms

Localize apps in multiple languages

Localization in numerous languages

Signature capture in enterprise apps

Signature capture

Enable push notifications

Push notifications

QR scanning & drawing

QR scanning & drawing

MQTT support for smart device communications

MQTT support for smart device communications

Zero to Live in Under a Week

The MobileTogether framework takes an entirely unique approach to enterprise app development that means your solution will be in end users’ hands in days – not the months or longer required by conventional software development.

In-the-Moment Productivity

When you design and deploy an enterprise solution using MobileTogether, end users can access it instantly on their desktop or laptop computers, either via the free MobileTogether Windows client app or any HTML5 browser.

When users are on the go, they can also access your solution (according to security considerations) on their smartphone and/or tablet by downloading the free MobileTogether app for Android or iOS and connecting to your MobileTogether Server.

This enables in-the-moment productivity for today’s increasingly mobile knowledge-workers, who can now access your company’s solutions while at their desk or on the go.

Zero to app

Build Enterprise Apps with MobileTogether Designer

MobileTogether Designer

MobileTogether Designer is free to use by as many developers as your organization requires. It provides accessible functionality for building complex enterprise solutions that work seamlessly with your in-house data sources.

  • Easily build sophisticated, data-driven enterprise apps
  • Use your own in-house developers
  • Write once; deploy everywhere
  • Connects to all back-end data sources
  • Built-in simulator lets you test your solution on all form factors
  • Automated app testing
  • Build the application front-end & back-end server logic at once
  • Deploy solutions instantly to desktop, laptop, and other devices

With MobileTogether Designer, your in-house team can create enterprise apps in record time.

It’s easy to design your app UI by dragging and dropping components from the MobileTogether Designer Controls Palette.

Event handling in the user interface of your solution is defined by dragging and dropping actions into Action Trees, which provide a visual programming flow for the most common tasks.

For processing and manipulating data, XQuery and XPath can be used, and MobileTogether includes a powerful expression builder and evaluator that makes it easy to build and debug these expressions.

Most developers are already familiar with XPath and XQuery. We even offer a free Intro to XPath as well as complete XPath and XQuery tutorials to help any user get up to speed quickly.

What are Action Trees?

Altova pioneered the ActionTree visual programming language to help enterprises build and deploy sophisticated apps faster than was ever possible.

Shown below, Action Trees are comprised of Actions and Action Groups that define event handling and error handling for your application. The Actions Dialog lets you easily define actions for controls or pages by selecting one or more actions from the left-hand pane and dragging them to the editing window on the right, where the control flow is defined in tree-form and any necessary details are configured.

Action Trees in MobileTogether

Because ActionTrees built with MobileTogether are independent of any particular device-specific programming language, they let you create sophisticated event handlers, control flow, and operations that work the same on all desktops and laptops, and even phones and tablets.

What Can I Do with Action Trees?

  • Drag and drop to define sophisticated page and control actions
  • Access all device functionality (telephony, camera, geolocation, etc.)
  • Define advanced error handling scenarios
  • Define loops, if-then-else structures, and database transactions
  • Define Action Groups that can be reused and nested
  • Define Action Groups that accept parameters and return results

Though working with ActionTrees is easy, it is a full programming language for building complex programming logic and is powerful enough to build any data-driven enterprise solution imaginable –

Build Apps for Industrial Automation

MobileTogether includes comprehensive support for MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), a critical protocol for enabling communication among smart devices like those used for industrial automation.

MQTT is essential for real-time monitoring and control of devices and processes in a wide variety of industries including automotive, manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and others. Automation of industrial smart devices is enabled through MQTT when sensors and actuators can publish and subscribe to relevant topics, facilitating efficient communication throughout the system.

Developers can take advantage of low-code functionality in MobileTogether to build MQTT-enabled apps for all platforms in record time.

Industrial automation using MQTT

Comprehensive Testing & Debugging

Built-in Simulator

Simulating an enterprise app

When you're ready to test your solution, use the built-in app Simulator window to instantly execute it to test logic, view the UI as it will appear on a variety of machines, and examine changes in workflow data during execution. For instance, you can preview your enterprise application as it will appear on Windows devices using the MobileTogether client app or on other OSes in a web browser.

As you check your app, the Messages window logs all activities performed in the Simulator.

This level of detail can be an invaluable for debugging any unexpected behavior during development.

Automated Testing

automated enterprise app testing

The Simulator in MobileTogether also includes sophisticated automated testing features that let you:

  • Record a series of user actions as a test case
  • Replay the test case in the MobileTogether Designer Simulator environment
  • Deploy test cases to the MobileTogether Server for replay on a variety of client devices
  • Retrieve Test Run results from the server and compare differences

You can even modify the app to fix a bug and run the test case again to validate the results of changes, which makes this an indispensable QA tool for your development process.

Enterprise-Grade Debugger

Test enterprise apps with MobileTogether debugger

MobileTogether Designer includes an Actions and XPath Debugger that gives you the power to test and debug your apps to immediately understand any app behavior - all directly in the design environment. This makes it possible to debug both the execution flow inside Action Trees AND the results of XPath/XQuery functions called inside those trees.

When a stop point is reached - either based on a defined breakpoint or at the next Action - the appropriate debugging view opens and you can step through the execution of the Action or XPath expression, viewing the callstack, how values of variables are updated, and results of watch expressions.

MobileTogether is the most affordable rapid app development framework that provides this level of app debugging during development.

Processing Powerhouse: MobileTogether Server

The MobileTogether framework includes the backend server for your solutions, so when you design and build your application in MobileTogether Designer, you’re developing the front-end UI and the back-end server logic at the same time, and in one environment.

MobileTogether Server is the back-end hub for your solutions and acts as a gateway between end-users and your back-end data sources and infrastructure.

You choose where to install your MobileTogether Server: on premises or in the cloud.

MobileTogether Server for Enterprise Apps

Affordable pricing for the backend server is based only on server performance (i.e., number of CPU cores), not on the number of solutions you wish to host or the number of end users who connect.

Secure Enterprise Apps

MobileTogether Server offers robust and granular security options for your enterprise apps, both on a per-server and per-app basis:

  • Management of user and roles definition
  • User, role, and device management
  • User authentication
  • Support for LDAP and Active Directory integration
  • SSL encryption
  • Granular password options

High Performance Features

MobileTogether Server increases the speed and performance of computers running your app by doing all the heavy lifting for complex queries and calculations on the server itself - meaning that the results are displayed on the end-user device much faster.

This allows the end user's device to devote resources to other processes, decreasing load time and saving memory space.

Caching behavior for all data sources is highly customizable based on the needs of your solution. MobileTogether contains more than just the usual caching parameters such as expiry and refresh time. You can manually determine the amount of time that passes before caching again and how many unique combinations of multiple query parameters that should automatically be cached. A client requesting the data will now immediately get it from the cache, whereas the server will retrieve it only if the cache time has elapsed. These options boost performance considerably.

Deploy Enterprise Apps Instantly

Once you build your solution in MobileTogether Designer and deploy it to your MobileTogether Server, end users can access it instantly on their device of choice. A free, native Windows app is available for Windows 10 and 11 computers, and other users can access your solution in a web browser.

When users are mobile, they can access your solutions on their smartphone or tablet using the free, native MobileTogether client app for iOS or Android. The MobileTogether approach is perfect for BYOD and end users who switch between computers, smartphones, and tablets throughout the day.

End users simply download the free, native MobileTogether App from their device’s app store and connect to your MobileTogether Server or access your solution via URL in any web browser.

Deploy Web Apps Quickly

Because every app you build in MobileTogether Designer builds native apps for all platforms as well as an HTML5 browser-based app, you can opt to deploy a web app when it makes sense for your enterprise.

The ability to offer a web app – whether it’s in addition to, or instead of, a mobile app – has numerous benefits.

Because the web app is available in any web browser, users don’t need to have a client app pre-installed on their device or computer.

There’s nothing to download: users simply access your app via URL.

This means it’s easy to deploy your app internally within large organizations, or even deploy customer-facing apps to the Internet. All of these factors can make life easier for enterprise IT departments and end-users alike.

Build web apps quickly with MobileTogether

Affordable, Scalable Pricing for Any Organization

Unlimited Developers

MobileTogether Designer is free-of-charge. Get started right away with as many developers as required.

Unlimited Apps

MobileTogether Server pricing is based the performance (i.e., number of CPU cores) you require, not on the number of apps you wish to host. There is no limit to the number of apps you can host on your MobileTogether Server.

Unlimited Users

There is also no limit to the number of end-users who can connect to your MobileTogether Server, making it perfect for firms large and small.

MobileTogether Server is priced affordably, with per-core pricing starting at about $1000/year. And, it’s available free for 30-days.

This radically low pricing structure is designed to open the door for organizations of any size enjoy the benefits of sophisticated enterprise apps.

MobileTogether Feature List

MobileTogether FAQ

MobileTogether Video Demos