XMLSpy supports XSD editing with its graphical XML Schema editor. The visual design paradigm for viewing, creating, generating, and editing XSDs lets you focus on the semantics of your XSD rather than the syntactical details of the XML Schema language. Both XML Schema 1.0 and XML Schema 1.1 are supported.
When you open a schema in the XSD editor, all globally defined components (i.e., elements, complexTypes, attributeGroups, etc.) are organized in a sortable list. Here you can add or delete components, and modify their properties using context-sensitive entry helpers.
Clicking the tree icon for any global component opens the detailed graphical view of its content model in the XSD editor, where you can easily drag and re-arrange elements or select context-sensitive options from the right-click menu.
This approach to XSD viewing and editing allows you to manage components at a global level and then edit the content model of individual components in a straight-forward manner.
It's easy to start building an XSD from scratch or by generating an XML Schema via any of the numerous options described below.
The XMLSpy XML editor provides numerous generation options for XSD, including:
It's just as quick to generate a database structure, XML instance document (XSD to XML), or JSON Schema from an existing XSD.