Create Charts from XML & JSON Data

Analyze Data Visually

  • Chart & graph creation for XML, XBRL, and JSON
  • Data selection via XPath
  • Real-time updates when data changes
  • Granular customization of chart appearance
  • Saving chart as an image
  • Support for background images
  • Chart overlays to combine chart types
  • Exporting charts in XSLT or XQuery
  • Saving, copying, & printing XML charts
  • Charting XSLT & XQuery profiler results

Create XML Charts

Chart from XML data in XMLSpy

XMLSpy makes it easy to create eye-catching, impactful charts for displaying XML data. You can visualize, analyze, and report numerical XML and XBRL data directly inside XMLSpy with just a few clicks.

Chart creation in XMLSpy brings a whole new dimension to working with, communicating, and reporting XML data. It's no longer necessary to export XML in a different format, or to another application, in order to create an attractive, dynamic chart to immediately communicate data results and relationships. Once you've specified the data and appearance of your graph, XMLSpy offers various one-click options for sharing it: printing, copying to the clipboard, saving as an image file, or even exporting it as XSLT or XQuery code for easy re-use. The XSLT/XQuery code can be executed in XMLSpy and via RaptorXML, Altova's high-performance XML and XBRL server.

To build a chart or graph, you simply highlight a range of data in XML Text View or XML Grid View, right click, and select New Chart. The Select Columns dialog opens, allowing you to specify the data for the X axis and Y axis. The Source XPath is automatically entered based on your cursor position or highlighted data range. Alternatively, you can enter the XPath manually to specify the data you want to graph. Once your data is selected, the Select Data dialog lets you further configure your chart series, axis values, and so on.

You can also create charts directly in XML Grid using a special chart function.

The Chart Appearance dialog allows granular customization of the chart's appearance, including chart title and legend, color scheme, axis labels, background image, and more.

The chart display is dynamic based on the underlying XML data, so if you update your XML file, the chart is updated as well.

Chart Types

Charts can then be printed or exported for use in other applications. The following chart types are supported:

  • Pie charts (2D & 3D)
  • Bar and stacked bar charts (2D & 3D)
  • Category and value line graphs
  • Area and stacked area charts
  • Candlestick charts
  • Gauge charts

Saving & Exporting Charts

When your chart is complete, it's easy to print it, copy it, save it as an image, or export it as XSLT or XQuery code. Exporting the chart as XSLT or XQuery allows you to use it in your own stylesheet or application to generate the chart based on dynamic XML data.

Creating JSON Charts

Generating charts from numerical JSON data is just as easy in XMLSpy.

Create charts using JSON data

Allowing JSON data visualization in charts is useful for analyzing JSON data in a variety of scenarios, from data analysis and scientific research to visualizing data received from a Web service or API.

After configuring a chart function in JSON Grid View, the save icon embeds the chart in the file as a base-64 encoded image. You can also right-click on the chart itself and save it in an image file such as .png or .jpg.