Work with CSS & HTML alongside XML, XSLT, and JSON
XMLSpy provides intelligent support for editing HTML4 and HTML5 pages and testing them using its integrated Browser View.
Text view provides numerous helpful HTML editing features, including syntax coloring, line numbering, bookmarks, code completion, and context-sensitive entry helper windows and menus to provide relevant editing guidance as you type.
As you’re working, the integrated Browser View in the HTML editor allows you to view your HTML code and the resulting Web page side-by-side, so you can see the results of your edits immediately. In addition to viewing the Web page in XMLSpy, you can instantly open the active file in your choice of browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) for quick multi-browser testing. The Info Window will list all browsers currently installed on your system, and you can manually add other applications if required.
XHTML is HTML defined as an XML application, so of course XMLSpy provides numerous useful features for editing XHTML files. In fact, an XHTML document can be edited exactly like an XML document in Text View or Grid View, with access to intelligent XML editing functionality, DTD and XML Schema assignment, strong validation, and more, to help you develop XHTML pages and apps as easily as possible.
The XMLSpy CSS editor is a great productivity enhancer for developers creating XML-based Web sites, advanced HTML5 apps, and more, because you can complete your CSS editing tasks in the same environment where you develop HTML code and/or XSLT transformations, using the same user-friendly, intelligent entry helpers and options.
The CSS editor provides entry helper windows including the CSS Outline, which lists the outline of the stylesheet in terms of its selectors listed in collapsible groups. Clicking a selector highlights it in the current document. The CSS Properties and HTML Elements entry helpers provide easy-to-navigate lists of properties and elements, and double clicking a selection inserts it at your current location in the CSS stylesheet.
XMLSpy's integrated Browser View lets you see the results of your edits immediately, and you can quickly open the resulting HTML page in other installed Web browsers directly from XMLSpy to test compatibility.