Integrating XMLSpy with Other Software

Seamless Integration of Advanced XML & JSON Tools

  • Integration with Altova MissionKit software
  • Integration with RaptorXML Servers
  • Sharepoint support
  • Access full functionality in multi-purpose IDEs
  • Seamless Visual Studio integration
  • Seamless Eclipse integration
  • Integration with leading version control systems

Integration with Altova MissionKit

XMLSpy is available separately or as part of the MissionKit product bundle.

Altova MissionKit is a software development suite of enterprise-class XML, JSON, SQL, and UML tools for information architects and application developers that includes MapForce, StyleVision, DiffDog, and other award winning tools in addition to XMLSpy.

All tools in the MissionKit share a similar user interface and design philosophy, which reduces the learning curve and enhances productivity. XMLSpy users benefit from a familiar environment when switching between different tasks and tools.

Synergy among Altova MissionKit tools means you'll not only save development time, but save on your bottom line, as well. Instead of making individual product purchases, you can choose MissionKit to get 7 products for less than the price of 2.

The tight integration of products in the Altova MissionKit enhances the functionality and usability of XMLSpy. Users benefit from a seamless workflow across different tasks such as data mapping and ETL, business report design, UML modeling, and more. For instance:

  • MapForce integration: Users can save data mapping projects created in MapForce within an XMLSpy project for easy organization. This enables seamless XML data transformations and mappings without switching between applications. Likewise, XML and JSON content used in MapForce data integration projects can be opened, viewed, and edited in XMLSpy with a single click. Users can also take advantage of MapForce to generate XML in XMLSpy based on a database, EDI, Excel, etc.
  • StyleVision integration: XMLSpy users can design XSLT stylesheets and advanced business reports in StyleVision and apply them directly within XMLSpy. This allows for instant visualization and testing of XML transformations. Likewise, users can instantly begin a StyleVision report design project based on the active DTD or XSD in XMLSpy.


Global resources can also be shared among MissionKit products.

Altova MissionKit

Integration with RaptorXML Servers

The validation and processing in XMLSpy are powered by the Altova RaptorXML engine, which was written from the ground up to provide the closest possible standards conformance coupled with fast speeds.

However, because RaptorXML Server can utilize the processing power afforded by multi-CPU, multi-core servers, it can validate and process large jobs much faster than via single-core execution on the CPU in the developer’s machine. By connecting XMLSpy to a RaptorXML Server installed on your network, you can validate huge XML, XBRL, JSON, and Avro jobs, as well as perform XSLT and XQuery execution, at lightning speed – inside XMLSpy.

Sharepoint Server Integration

Integration with the popular SharePoint Server CMS gives you seamless access to the intelligent XML, XSD, and XSLT editing features of XMLSpy for your SharePoint content. Relevant support includes:

  • Full read / write to SharePoint Server
  • Check in / check out support
  • Intelligent editing of XML stored in SharePoint
  • XSLT editing, debugging, and profiling
  • Graphical XML Schema editing

XMLSpy also integrates with leading source and version control systems.

Visual Studio Integration

Free, seamless integration between XMLSpy and Visual Studio lets developers access all the advanced functionality of XMLSpy directly inside the Visual Studio IDE. This includes the specialized JSON and XML editing features, debuggers, profilers, and wizards that aren't available in Visual Studio alone.

To use XMLSpy inside Visual Studio, simply install the free integration package after installing XMLSpy.

Eclipse Integration

XMLSpy also supports integration with Eclipse.

To use XMLSpy inside the Eclipse IDE, simply install the free integration package after installing XMLSpy.