Altova RecordsManager

This topic lists the main procedures needed to set up a RecordsManager system. The order in which these procedures are listed serve as a rough sequential guideline of how to configure your RecordsManager system. Very often, however, you will need to move back and forth among different procedures.


System administration can be concurrent with system use

You can reconfigure the database, add new forms, change settings, and carry out other administration tasks even after users have started working with the system. Any admin changes you make will be reflected on the user side as soon as the user interacts with the system.


Configure the RecordsManager database and the Home Page

You can start building a database from scratch or you can use RecordsManager's sample database as a starting point. The sample database is available when you first open RecordsManager. You could modify the data structure as little or as much as you like, and change the formatting to suit your preference.


The main procedures for configuring the database structure are:



Set up system users and their roles

These procedures determine who will use the RecordsManager system and in what capacity. You should check whether the roles that are defined in the sample dataset suit your requirements. For the beginning, it might be best to use just the two predefined roles, Admin and All Users. After you become familiar with your data and its structure, the system, and your users, you can develop roles to suit your requirements.



Global settings and reminder mails

At an early stage in the development process, you should have a look at what global settings for the app are available and consider how you can best use them. Reminder emails are probably best left to the end of the configuration process, but it would be useful to at least quickly look through the documentation about reminders in order to see what is involved.



Restoring the database to a previous state

You can restore your database to a state it was in at some time in the past. To do this, you must create copies of the database at suitable intervals. Each of these is a checkpoint. You can select any checkpoint to restore the database to the state it was in at the time the checkpoint was created. See Database Restore Checkpoints for information.


Using alternative RecordsManager databases

You can use an alternative RecordsManager database for your RecordsManager system. Create this .sqlite database in RecordsManager as outlined above and copy it to the same folder as the original RecordsManager database. On your MobileTogether Server, this folder is named production_data and is located in the same folder as the RecordsManager solution.


RM solution



|-- RM databases


Note that the RecordsManager databases are not in the same folder as the RM solution, but are one level farther in the filepath, inside the production_data folder. Also note that the relative path production_data in the RecordsManager solution will be resolved relative to the Server side solution's working directory, which is defined in the Settings tab of MobileTogether Server.


After you have (i) deployed the RecordsManager solution to MobileTogether Server and (ii) saved the alternative SQLite database/s in the correct folder (see above), you can create a link in MobileTogether Server to start RecordsManager with the alternative DB. Do this as follows:


1.In MobileTogether Server, go to the Workflows tab and locate the original RecordsManager solution in the container where it has been deployed and select its check box (located to the left of the solution's name)

2.Select Create Link at the bottom of the page (to create a link to the solution).

Click to expand/collapse

3.Give the link to the alternative solution a name.

4.Give the sqlitedb parameter a value that is the name of the alternative database, for example, as in the screenshot above, RecordsManager-GB.sqlite.

5.Specify the container in which the link should be saved.

6.Click Create Link.


Once the link has been created, users can click it to start RecordsManager with the alternative DB.


Note:If, after a link has been created, you remove the sqlitedb parameter or change its value in the dialog above, then you must also remove the solution's persistent data in order to switch to the new DB. You can remove a solution's persistent data in MobileTogether Server by going to the Workflows tab and clicking the Clear button in the solution's Persistent data column.


RecordsManager documentation on the Altova website

After you have set up the database and the users of the database, administrators and users of the system can be directed to the Altova RecordsManager documentation, available at the following Altova website locations:


Documentation for administrators (includes information about DB configuration, data entry, and system use):

Documentation for users (includes information about data entry and system use):


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