Avro Tools

Apache™ Avro is widely used for a compact, fast, binary serialization of Big Data, most often used within the Apache Hadoop software framework. Avro data can be serialized in binary format or JSON format, and XMLSpy supports both.

Avro Schema Editor

An Avro data structure is defined in an Avro schema (.avsc), which is written in JSON format. XMLSpy has built in support for editing Avro schemas in Text or Grid View with intelligent editing support. (When Avro data documents are in JSON format, they may also be edited in XMLSpy.)

Avro validation is also supported: you can validate an Avro schema against the spec and validate Avro documents against their associated schema.

Avro schema editor

Avro View

Because Avro binary files (.avro) are usually quite huge, a graphical viewer makes it much easier to examine, understand, and search the file. Avro View in XMLSpy displays the Avro data structures in an easy-to-read tabular format.

Easily view Avro binaries

The Blocks pane organizes the data into manageable groups can be expanded or collapsed. To view the data in a particular block, simply double click it. You can also view and/or save the associated Avro schema from the Blocks pane.

Avro tools in XMLSpy give developers a unique edge – dedicated views and intelligent editing for Avro, JSON, and XML give you a unified environment for working with Big Data.

Integration with RaptorXML Server

The validation and processing in XMLSpy are powered by the Altova RaptorXML engine, which was written from the ground up to provide the closest possible standards conformance coupled with fast speeds. However, because RaptorXML Server can utilize the processing power afforded by multi-CPU, multi-core servers, it can validate and process large jobs much faster than via single-core execution on the CPU in the developer’s machine. By connecting XMLSpy to a RaptorXML Server installed on your network, you can validate huge XML, XBRL, JSON, and Avro jobs, as well as perform XSLT and XQuery execution, at lightning speed – inside XMLSpy.

Read more about the advantages of connecting your XMLSpy installation to a RaptorXML Server on your network.

Process XML on RaptorXML

Generating Program Code from XSD

XML is not a full programming language in that it cannot be compiled or executed as a stand-alone binary executable file; rather XML documents must be bound to an external software application or runtime environment such as a business-to-business application or Web service. The implementation of any custom XML software application ultimately requires writing programmatic access methods within your code to create, validate, process, transform, modify or perform any in-memory operation on an XML document.

Without automated code generation, implementing an XML data binding can be a tedious, error-prone task requiring up to hundreds of class files. For this reason, XMLSpy generates royalty-free program code based on an XML Schema.

Code generation support includes:

  • Generation of class files based on XML Schema components
  • Royalty-free code gen in Java, C#, and C++
  • Automated data binding implementation
  • Support for industry-standard XML processing APIs: MSXML, JAXP, System.XML
  • Default templates and customization options

Open XML (OOXML) Support

With the introduction of the Office Open XML formats in Microsoft Office, the vast amount of business data stored in Office files such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations is now saved as XML. This is a huge advantage for both business users and application developers, because, though business users still work with information through the familiar Office user interface, all their data is now standards-based and highly interoperable.

For developers working with Open XML data, XMLSpy includes:

  • Archive View: native support for creating and editing zipped archives such as Word, Excel, or WinZip files.
  • Open XML editing: create or edit .docx, .xslx, and .pptx files in Text or Grid View.
  • Transforming and processing Open XML: via XSLT and XQuery

Having an Open XML editor in XMLSpy gives you huge advantage. In addition to viewing and editing Open XML documents on the XML level, now you can unleash all the power of XSLT and XQuery on the vast, ever-increasing amount of data stored in Microsoft Office documents, giving you the ability to develop applications that process what has become the predominant business data format.

Open XML OOXML Tools

ZIP Archives

Archive View (shown above) in the XML editor provides an interface that enables you to view the internal structure of, modify, and access the files in a zipped file for editing in XMLSpy. Toolbar buttons make it easy to add folders and documents directly to the ZIP archive. You can even create a new, empty ZIP archive using File | New.

In addition, when a ZIP file is open in Archive View, you can compare it with another archive by using the command Tools | Compare Directories.

XML Charts

Creating a chart from XML

XML chart creation in XMLSpy brings a whole new dimension to working with, communicating, and reporting XML and XBRL data. It's no longer necessary to export XML in a different format, or to another application, in order to create an attractive, dynamic chart to immediately communicate data results and relationships.

You can simply highlight a context node or a range of data that you'd like to display and analyze, and XMLSpy will render it in an attractive, highly customizable chart or graph, including:

  • Pie charts (2D & 3D)
  • Bar and stacked bar charts (2D & 3D)
  • Category and value line graphs
  • Candlestick charts

Chart customization dialogs let you refine data selection via XPath, make changes to your chart’s appearance, and so on.

When your chart is complete, it's easy to print it, copy it, save it as an image, or export it as XSLT or XQuery code for use in a stylesheet or application.

Chart creation is also available in StyleVision for building multi-channel reports.

Candlestick chart created in XMLSpy

JSON Charts

Like charts from XML (above), XMLSpy supports creation of a variety of charts based on numerical JSON data directly in JSON Grid Editor.

Easy JSON charts: Create charts and graphs from JSON data

After configuring a chart function, the save icon embeds the chart in the file as a base-64 encoded image. Additionally, the developer can right-click on the chart in Grid View and save it in an image file such as .png or .jpg.

No other JSON editor offers anything even close to this functionality!

HTML and CSS editors

CSS editor in XMLSpy

Support for HTML and CSS in XMLSpy means you never have to leave the XML editor to work with these related technologies. Functionality includes:

  • HTML4, HTML5, and XHTML editing
  • CSS2.1 and CSS3 editing
  • Syntax coloring, line numbering, & bookmarking
  • Code completion & context-sensitive entry helpers
  • Integrated HTML browser view
  • Project management functionality
  • Integration with major source & version control systems

Integrated Browser View

As you’re working, the integrated Browser View in the XMLSpy HTML editor allows you to view your HTML code and the resulting Web page side-by-side, so you can see the results of your edits immediately.

In addition to viewing the Web page in XMLSpy, you can instantly open the active file in your choice of browser for quick multi-browser testing. The HTML editor Info Window will list all browsers currently installed on your system, and you can manually add other applications if required.

Browser view for testing HTML in XMLSpy

HTTP Testing Window

Web and web services developers often need to send HTTP messages, whether for testing APIs, testing web services, or managing web sites. XMLSpy makes this process straightforward and fast with its HTTP Testing Window and WADL/WSDL Import Wizard.

The HTTP Window makes it easy to create and send an HTTP request to a web server, and receive and check the response.

HTTP testing window

For web services testing, the HTTP window also allows you to import WADL and WSDL files. Clicking the Import button launches the Import Wizard for specifying the WADL or WSDL file, request, and method to import, and the user can edit or deactivate parameters.

Testing a WADL message

Once the wizard is complete, the request will be imported into the HTTP output window, where you can send it and view the response.

Read this blog post for tips on an easy way to test HTTP requests using XMLSpy's HTTP window.

EPUB editor

EPUB® (electronic publication) is an open standard from the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) for creating and distributing digital publications such as e-books.

The XMLSpy EPUB editor makes it easy to create, validate, and preview EPUB documents, as well as create and edit the individual files that comprise them using the unique Archive View shown below.

EPUB editor and viewer

You can create an EPUB ebook from scratch or view and modify existing publications.

SharePoint Server integration

Integration with the hugely popular SharePoint Server CMS gives you seamless access to the intelligent XML, XSD, and XSLT editing features of XMLSpy for your SharePoint content. Relevant support includes:

  • Full read / write to SharePoint Server
  • Check in / check out support
  • Intelligent editing of XML stored in SharePoint
  • XSLT editing, debugging, and profiling
  • Graphical XML Schema editing

Visual Studio and Eclipse integration

Seamless integration between XMLSpy and Visual Studio and Eclipse lets developers access all the advanced functionality of XMLSpy directly inside their preferred IDE. To use XMLSpy inside Visual Studio or Eclipse, simply install the free integration package after installing XMLSpy.