Setting up StyleVision
Altova StyleVision runs on Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11. After downloading StyleVision from the Altova website, double-click the executable (.exe) file to run the setup program. The setup program will install StyleVision at the desired location. The Altova XSLT Engines (1.0 and 2.0) are built into StyleVision and are used for all internal transformations. You, therefore, do not need to install an XSLT Engine additionally to your StyleVision installation.
You will, however, need to have the following components installed:
•Internet Explorer 5.5 or later, for HTML Preview and Design View. Internet Explorer 6.0 and later has better XML support and is recommended. For copy-paste from Word documents (and of content that can be pasted into Word documents, such as Excel tables and HTML page content) Word 2007+ is required