These appendices contain (i) information about the XSLT Engines used in StyleVision; (ii) information about the conversion of DB datatypes to XML Schema datatypes; (iii) technical information about StyleVision; and (iv) licensing information for StyleVision. Each appendix contains the sub-sections listed below:
Provides implementation-specific information about the Altova XSLT Engines, which are used by StyleVision to generate output.
•Altova XSLT 1.0 Engine
•Altova XSLT 2.0 Engine
•Altova XSLT 3.0 Engine
•XSLT and XPath/XQuery Functions
Provides technical information about StyleVision.
•OS and memory requirements
•Altova XML Parser
•Altova XSLT and XQuery Engines
•Unicode support
•Internet usage
Contains information about the way StyleVision is distributed and about its licensing.
•Electronic software distribution
•License metering
•End User License Agreement