Altova FlowForce Server 2025 Advanced Edition

HTTP triggers allow you to monitor a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) for changes. Specifically, you can poll the Last-Modified and Content-MD5 HTTP header fields for changes. You can configure the polling interval (e.g, every 60 seconds) and optionally set the start and expiry date of the trigger. The screenshot below illustrates a sample HTTP trigger.


The parameters of an HTTP trigger are described below.



Specifies how the trigger should poll the URI. The following options are available:


HTTP Header Date instructs the system to check the Last-Modified HTTP header. If the Last-Modified HTTP header is missing, the Content-MD5 header is checked (see next option).

Content instructs the system to check the optional Content-MD5 HTTP header. This is a 128-bit digest used as a message integrity check. If the MD5 header has changed after the polling interval has passed, the trigger fires. If the header is not provided by the server, the content is retrieved and hashed locally.



This is the URI you would like to check for changes.


Polling interval

The frequency (in seconds) with which the URI will be polled.


Wait N seconds for settle

If a change has been detected during the polling period, the server will wait for N seconds (the settle period) before checking the specified file/directory for further changes. If there have been no further changes during the settle period, the job will start. Otherwise, the server will wait again for the specified settle period and then check again if any changes have occurred since the last check.


This option allows FlowForce Server to wait until the file has been fully written before triggering the job.



Defines the trigger's starting date and time. This is an optional field. When you click in the date field, a pop-up calendar opens, which allows you to select the start date. You can also type in the date manually.



Defines the date and time when the trigger expires.


Time zone

Defines the time zone of the start and expiry date and time. The default time zone is defined in the server administration settings.



The Enabled check box allows you to enable or disable the trigger.



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