Altova FlowForce Server 2025 Advanced Edition

Execution Result

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FlowForce Server enables you to declare the return type of a job. This is particularly meaningful if you want to use your job as an execution step of some other job.


When you declare the return type, keep in mind the following points:


Declaring the return type is meaningful only for jobs that actually return a result.  

If you want to cache the result of a job, you must declare the return type.

The return type of a job must be the same as the data type of the last step in the job. Otherwise, FlowForce Server returns an error. When type-matching errors occur, use expression functions to change the data type of the last step in the job to the data type declared as the job return type.


To define the return type of a job, take the following steps:


1.Create a new job or open an existing one for editing.

2.Select a return type in the Execution Result section on the Configuration page.


Return types

The available return types are listed below.










AS2 partner (Advanced Edition)

AS2 MDN (Advanced Edition)

SFTP connection (Advanced Edition)


The default option is ignore/discard. It instructs FlowForce Server to ignore or discard the result of the job. Select this option if the job does not return a result or if you do not need to process the returned result in any way.


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