Altova StyleVision 2025 Basic Edition

The Enclose with | Bullets and Numbering command creates a static list and list items around the selection. If the selection contains a CR-LF, carriage-return and/or linefeed (inserted by pressing the Enter key), then separate list items are created for each text fragment separated by a CR-LF.


When this command is selected, the Bullets and Numbering dialog (screenshot below) pops up.




Select the list item marker you want and click OK. A list is created. The number of list items in the list corresponds to the number of CR-LFs (carriage-returns and/or linefeeds) in the selection. You can add more list items to the list by pressing Enter.


Note:You can obtain the same results by selecting static content and then clicking the Bulleted List or Numbered List icons in the Insert Design Elements toolbar.


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