Altova StyleVision 2025 Basic Edition

Value Formatting (Formatting Numeric Datatypes)

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Value Formatting enables the contents of numeric XML Schema datatype nodes (see list below) to be displayed in a format other than the lexical representation of that datatype. (For example, the lexical representation of an xs:date datatype node is YYYY-MM-DD, with an optional timezone component, such as +02:00.) The Value Formatting is displayed in the HTML output. Value Formatting can also be used to format the result of an Auto-Calculation if the result of the Auto-Calculation is in the lexical format of one of the numeric datatypes (see list below) for which Value Formatting is available.


In the sub-sections of this section, we describe:


how the Value Formatting mechanism works, and

the syntax for defining the Value Formatting.


Note:Value Formatting does not change the format in which the data is stored in the XML document. In the valid XML document, the data is always stored in the lexical format appropriate to the datatype of the node. Value Formatting is applied to the display in the output.





Numeric datatypes for which Value Formatting is available

Value Formatting is available for the following datatypes:


xs:decimal; xs:integer; the 12 built-in types derived from xs:integer

xs:double and xs:float when values are between and including 0.000001 and 1,000,000. Values outside this range are displayed in scientific notation (for example: 1.0E7), and cannot have Value Formatting applied to them.

xs:date; xs:dateTime: xs:duration

xs:gYear; xs:gYearMonth; xs:gMonth; xs:gMonthDay; xs:gDay


Note:Not all formats are available in Basic Edition since Authentic View is not supported in Basic Edition.


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