Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

Altova RaptorXML is Altova's third-generation, hyper-fast XML and XBRL processor XBRL processing is available only in RaptorXML+XBRL Server.. It has been built to be optimized for the latest standards and parallel computing environments. Designed to be highly cross-platform capable, the engine takes advantage of today’s ubiquitous multi-core computers to deliver lightning fast processing of XML and XBRL data.


RaptorXML is available in two editions:


RaptorXML Server edition, which can be accessed over a network and can transform multiple files at a time.

RaptorXML+XBRL Server edition, which can be accessed over a network, can transform multiple files at a time, and additionally supports XBRL validation.


For more information about RaptorXML, see the Altova website.


Typical use-cases

The functionality of RaptorXML that would be most relevant to StyleVision users is the XSLT transformation functionality. Typically, this functionality would be used as follows:


1.An XSLT stylesheet is generated from an SPS with the File | Save Generated Files command. Note that RaptorXML cannot be used to generate XSLT stylesheets from an SPS file.

2.The generated XSLT stylesheet is used to transform XML documents with RaptorXML. With RaptorXML you can generate HTML, Text, and RTF output.


Advantages of RaptorXML

The advantages of using RaptorXML are as follows:


RaptorXML provides very fast validation and XSLT transformation, and is therefore useful for dealing with large files.

Easy use with command line, COM, Java, and .NET interfaces.

Automation and scheduling with the use of batch files and the scheduling processes such as the Scheduled Tasks process of Windows.


For a description of how RaptorXML can be used to automate the production of output documents (such as HTML) from XML source documents, see the section How to Automate Processing.


For additional and more detailed information about using RaptorXML, including how to use RaptorXML's COM, Java, and .NET interfaces, see the RaptorXML user documentation.


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