Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

Command Line Interface

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StyleVision functionality can be called from the command line in two ways:


By calling the StyleVision executable. This provides a access to StyleVision's XSLT-file-generation functionality. The XSLT files are generated from the SPS file.

By using StyleVision Server to generate output files (HTML, etc). The output files are generated from a PXF file, which is a package of an SPS file with its related files (XML, XSD, image files, etc). The PXF file is generated from StyleVision.


How to use the command line

There are two ways you can use the command line:


Commands can be entered singly on the command line and be executed immediately. For example, in a command prompt window, you can enter a command for StyleVision or StyleVision Server, and press Enter to execute the command.

A series of commands can be entered in a batch file for batch processing. For example:


         @ECHO OFF


         StyleVision TestEN.sps -outxslt=HTML-EN.xslt

         StyleVision TestDE.sps -outxslt=HTML-DE.xslt

         StyleVision TestES.sps -outxslt=HTML-ES.xslt


When the batch file is processed, the commands are executed and the files are generated.


StyleVision functionality in scheduled tasks

Using the Scheduled Tasks tool of Windows, StyleVision commands can be set to execute according to a predefined schedule. Either a single command or a batch file can be specified as the task to be executed. How to create such commands is described in How to Automate Processing.


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