Altova UModel 2025 Professional Edition

Bei Ausführung des folgenden JScript-Beispiels wird bei der ersten Ausführung des Codes ein Reverse Engineering aller C#-UModel API-Beispiele aus dem Verzeichnis ..\UModelExamples\IDEPlugIn durchgeführt und es werden HTML- und RTF-Dokumentation sowie ein XMI-Bericht des UModel-Projekts erstellt. Die erzeugten UMP-Dateien sowie die generierte Dokumentationsausgabe werden im Verzeichnis ..\UModelExamples\API\JScript\UpdateDocumentation gespeichert. Bei späteren Ausführungen werden die zuvor generierten Projektdateien geöffnet und HTML- und RTF-Dokumentation erstellt. Außerdem wird ein XMI-Export durchgeführt, vorausgesetzt, es wurden Änderungen am UML-Modell vorgenommen.


Dieser Code steht in der Beispieldatei ..\UModelExamples\API\JScript\UModelUpdateDocumentation.js zur Verfügung (siehe Beispieldateien).


// ###########################################
// access runing UModel.Application or
// launch new one and access it
// ############################################
// ############################################
// UpdateDocumentation sample
// *) When running the first time (= when no UMP file exists), reverse engineer all C# UModelAPI samples
//    and create HTML and RTF documentation, make XMI export and save UMP file
// *) when UMP file already exists, open it and synchronize model from code
//    create HTML and RTF documentation and XMI export only if something has been changed (listen to all different UML data events)
// ############################################
var bRunVisible = true;
var bShowDialogs = bRunVisible && false;
// //////////// global variables /////////////////
var objUModel   = null;
var objWshShell = null;
var objFSO      = null;
var bChangedAnything = false;
var nAddedClasses   = 0;
var nAddedInterfaces= 0;
var nAddedProperties= 0;
var nAddedOperations= 0;
// /////////////////////// Helpers //////////////////////////////
function Exit(strErrorText)
  if (objUModel != null)
function CreateGlobalObjects ()
  // the Shell and FileSystemObject of the windows scripting host often always useful
     objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
     objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
     Exit("Can't create WScript.Shell object");
  // create the UModel connection
  // if there is a running instance of UModel (that never had a connection) - use it
  // otherwise, we automatically create a new instance
  try {   objUModel = WScript.GetObject("", "UModel.Application");   }
  catch(err) {}
  if( typeof( objUModel ) == "undefined" )
    try   {   objUModel = WScript.GetObject("", "UModel_x64.Application")   }
        objUModel = null;
        Exit( "Can't access or create UModel.Application" );
// /////////////////////// get different filepathes / ensure folders are created  //////////////////////////////
function GetScriptPath()
  var path = objUModel.PersonalDataDirectory + "\\UModelExamples\\API\\JScript\\UpdateDocumentation";
  if ( !objFSO.FolderExists( path ) )
     objFSO.CreateFolder( path );
  return path;
function GetFilePath( subdir, filename )
  var path = objFSO.BuildPath( GetScriptPath(), subdir );
  if ( !objFSO.FolderExists( path ) )
     objFSO.CreateFolder( path );
  return path + "\\" + filename;
function GetUMPFilePath ()   { return GetFilePath( "UMP",     "UModelAPI.ump" ); }
function GetXMIFilePath ()   { return GetFilePath( "Output_XMI", "UModelAPI.xmi" ); }
function GetHTMLFilePath()   { return GetFilePath( "Output_HTML","UModelAPI.html"); }
function GetRTFFilePath ()   { return GetFilePath( "Output_RTF", "UModelAPI.rtf" ); }
// /////////////////////// UML data event handlers //////////////////////////////
function objRootPackage_OnChanged( objData, strHint )
  bChangedAnything = true;
// recursively count newly added classes, interfaces, properties and operations
function CountAddedElements( objNewChild )
  if ( objNewChild != null )
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Class"    ) ++nAddedClasses;
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Interface" ) ++nAddedInterfaces;
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Property"  ) ++nAddedProperties;
    if ( objNewChild.KindName == "Operation" ) ++nAddedOperations;
    var ownedElements = objNewChild.OwnedElements;
    var itr = new Enumerator( ownedElements );
    for ( ; !itr.atEnd(); itr.moveNext() )
        CountAddedElements( itr.item() );
function objRootPackage_OnAfterAddChild( objParent, objNewChild )
   bChangedAnything = true;
  // recursively count newly added classes, interfaces, properties and operations
  CountAddedElements( objNewChild );
function objRootPackage_OnBeforeErase( objData )
   bChangedAnything = true;
function objRootPackage_OnMoveData( objParent, objChild, bAttach )
   bChangedAnything = true;
// /////////////////////// MAIN //////////////////////////////
if ( bRunVisible )
  objUModel.Visible = true;
var objDocument = null;
  // open document if it exists; create new one otherwise
  var bDocumentExisted = false;
  if ( objFSO.FileExists( GetUMPFilePath() ) )
     objDocument = objUModel.OpenDocument( GetUMPFilePath() );
     bDocumentExisted = true;
     objDocument = objUModel.NewDocument();
     objDocument.SaveAs( GetUMPFilePath() );
  if ( objDocument == null )
     Exit( "Cannot create or open UModel projectfile" );
  // connect to receive _IUMLDataEvents from the root-package and all its children:
  var objRootPackage = objDocument.RootPackage;
   WScript.ConnectObject (objRootPackage, "objRootPackage_" );
  // ensure we get *all* events from root-package and *all* children:
  objRootPackage.EventFilter = 2 + // eUMLDataEvent_EraseDataOrChild      = 2,
                        8 + // eUMLDataEvent_AddChildOrGrandChild   = 8,
                       32 + // eUMLDataEvent_ChangeDataOrChild      = 32,
                       128; // eUMLDataEvent_MoveChildOrGrandChild   = 128
  if ( bDocumentExisted )
    // UModel projectfile already exists => update model from code
    // get dialog for code <=> model synchonizations and set the wanted options:
    var objSynchronizationSettingsDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.SynchronizationSettingsDlg;
     objSynchronizationSettingsDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
     objSynchronizationSettingsDlg.ModelFromCode_Synchronization = 0; // eSynchronization_Merge = 0
    // update model from code
    if ( !objDocument.SynchronizeModelFromCode( objSynchronizationSettingsDlg ) )
        Exit("Update model from code failed");
    // UModel projectfile did not exist => newly import code into model
    var objImportSourceDirectoryDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.ImportSourceDirectoryDlg;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
    // set source code directory to import
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Directory = objUModel.PersonalDataDirectory + "\\UModelExamples\\IDEPlugIn";
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.ProcessSubdirectories = true;
    // set source code language to import (C# 3.0)
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Language      = 5; // eCodeLang_CSharp_3_0      = 5
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Synchronization = 0; // eSynchronization_Merge = 0
    // import in a new package
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.ImportInNewPackage = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.DiagramGeneration = true;
    // content diagram generation settings
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_GenerateSingleDiagram            = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_GenerateDiagramPerPackage         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowNestedClassifiersSeparately      = false;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowAnonymousBoundElements         = false;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_HyperlinkPackagesToDiagrams         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowAttributesCompartment         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowOperationsCompartment         = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowNestedClassifiersCompartment   = false;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowEnumerationLiteralsCompartment   = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_ShowTaggedValues               = true;
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_Autolayout                     = 1; // eDiagramLayout_Hierarchic = 1
    // open diagrams that autolayout is done:
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.Content_OpenDiagrams                  = true;
    // package dependency diagram generation settings (disabled)
     objImportSourceDirectoryDlg.PackageDependency_GenerateDiagram = false;
    // import source directory
    if ( !objDocument.ImportSourceDirectory( objImportSourceDirectoryDlg) )
        // also delete newly created (empty) UMP file that source code directory import is retried the next time
        objFSO.DeleteFile( GetUMPFilePath() );
        Exit( "Error on importing source directory" );
  // disconnect from getting root-package events
  WScript.DisconnectObject( objRootPackage );
catch( err )
  // also delete newly created (empty) UMP file that source code directory import is retried the next time
  objFSO.DeleteFile( GetUMPFilePath() );
  Exit( "Error on importing source directory" );
//if something has changed, update the outputs:
if ( bChangedAnything )
    // make XMI export for UML2.1.2
    var objIExportXMIFileDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.ExportXMIFileDlg;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.XMIFile            = GetXMIFilePath();
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.PrettyPrintXMIOutput   = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ExportUUIDs         = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ExportExtensions      = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.ExportDiagrams         = true;
     objIExportXMIFileDlg.XMIType            = 1; // eXMI21ForUML212 = 1
    // export to XMI file:
    if ( !objDocument.ExportToXMIFile( objIExportXMIFileDlg ) )
        // error on XMI generation
  catch( err )
    // error on XMI generation
    var objIDocumentationGenerationDlg = objUModel.Dialogs.GenerateDocumentationDlg;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.ShowDialog = bShowDialogs;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.GenerateLinksToLocalFiles = 1; // eDocumentationFilePath_RelativeToResultFile   = 1
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.SplitOutputToMultipleFiles = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.ShowResultFileAfterGeneration = true;
    // show up to 10 base class/interface hierarchies
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Details_HierarchyDiagramNestingDepthUp = 10;
    // only show directly derived classes/interfaces
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Details_HierarchyDiagramNestingDepthDown = 1;
    // keep hierarchy diagram as small as possible => expand each element only once
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Details_HierarchyDiagramExpandItemsOnlyOnce = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_Index = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_IncludedSubprojects = false;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_NamedElementsOnly = true;
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_UnknownExternals = false;
    var objIncludeElements = objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.Include_Elements;
    var itrIncludeElements = new Enumerator( objIncludeElements );
    for ( ; !itrIncludeElements.atEnd(); itrIncludeElements.moveNext() )
        var objElemSel = itrIncludeElements.item();
        if ( objElemSel.KindName == "Class"         ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Interface"      ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Enumeration"   ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Operation"      ||
            objElemSel.KindName == "Package"      )
           objElemSel.Selection = true;
    // generate HTML documentation (with PNG pictures)
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.OutputFormat = 0; // eDocumentationOutputFormat_HTML   = 0
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.DiagramImageFormat = 0; // eOutputImageFormat_PNG = 0
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.EmbedDiagrams = false;
    if ( !objDocument.GenerateDocumentation( objIDocumentationGenerationDlg, GetHTMLFilePath() ) )
        // error on HTML documentation generation
    // generate RTF documentation (with embeded EMF pictures)
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.ShowDialog = false; // don't show dialog again      
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.OutputFormat = 2; // eDocumentationOutputFormat_RTF   = 2
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.DiagramImageFormat = 1; // eOutputImageFormat_EMF = 1
     objIDocumentationGenerationDlg.EmbedDiagrams = true;
    if ( !objDocument.GenerateDocumentation( objIDocumentationGenerationDlg, GetRTFFilePath() ) )
        // error on RTF documentation generation
  catch( err )
    // error on documentation generation
  // show the number of newly added classes, interfaces, properties and operations
  if ( bRunVisible )
     WScript.Echo( "Added classes: "       + nAddedClasses   +
                "\nAdded interfaces: " + nAddedInterfaces +
                "\nAdded properties: " + nAddedProperties +
                "\nAdded operations: " + nAddedOperations );
  if ( bRunVisible )
     WScript.Echo( "Nothing has changed" );
// always save document (although it's not really necessary when nothing has been changed)
if ( bRunVisible )
  objUModel.Visible = false;   // will shutdown application if it was started by this script

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