Altova UModel 2025 Professional Edition

Im folgenden Beispiel wird automatisch ein Präfix definiert, wenn neue Attribute oder Enumerationliterale zu Ihrem UModel-Projekt hinzugefügt werden. Im Beispiel werden sowohl die UModel API als auch die UModel IDE Plug-In Library verwendet. Es steht in der folgenden Datei zur Verfügung: ....\UModelExamples\IDEPlugIn\DefaultPrefix\DefaultPrefix.cs.


Für das Erstellen und Ausführen des Beispiels gelten dieselben Voraussetzungen wie für andere UModel IDE Plug-ins, siehe Erstellen und Ausführen des Plug-in.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes;
using UModelLib;
using UModelPlugInLib;
* DefaultPrefix sample
* listen for newly added UML data and
* set the prefix of properties ('m_') and EnumerationLiterals ('k_')
* if the corresponding option is turned on
namespace DefaultPrefix
  /* UModelDefaultPrefix is the main class of this plugin and implements UModelPlugInLib.IUModelPlugIn
    * it is also responsible for attaching/detaching UModelApplicationEvents to/from UModels IApplication interface
    * and implements the handling of turning on/off the whole "SetPrefix" functionality
  public class UModelDefaultPrefix : UModelPlugInLib.IUModelPlugIn
      // variable which defines whether "SetPrefix" functionality is turned on or off
      bool m_bSetPrefix = true;
      // reference to UModelApplicationEvents; is only used when "SetPrefix" functionality is turned on (to reduce overhead in the other case)
      UModelApplicationEvents m_AppEvents = null;
      #region helpers
      protected string GetPlugInPath()
          string sDLLPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
          return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sDLLPath);
      // create UModelApplicationEvents and attach it to IApplication
      protected void AttachAppEvents( IApplication iUModelApp )
          if (m_AppEvents == null && iUModelApp != null)
              m_AppEvents = new UModelApplicationEvents();
      // detach UModelApplicationEvents;
      protected void DetachAppEvents()
          if (m_AppEvents != null)
              m_AppEvents = null;
      #region IUModelPlugIn Members
      public string GetDescription()
          return "DefaultPrefix sample Plug-in for UModel;This Plug-in demonstrates how to attach to several callback interfaces and how to add a prefix to newly inserted elements.";
      public string GetUIModifications()
              string sPath = GetPlugInPath();
              System.IO.StreamReader myFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(sPath + "\\config.xml");
              string sRet = myFile.ReadToEnd();
              // this replaces the token "**path**" from the XML file with
              // the actual installation path of the plug-in to get the image file
              return sRet.Replace("**path**", sPath);
          catch (System.Exception ex)
              System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error in GetUIModifications:" + ex.Message);
              throw ex;
      public void OnInitialize(object pUModel)
          // before processing DDE or batch commands
      public void OnRunning(object pUModel)
          // DDE or batch commands are processed; application is fully initialized
          // and we can attach UModelApplicationEvents
          AttachAppEvents( (IApplication)pUModel );
      public void OnShutdown(object pUModel)
          // detach UModelApplicationEvents; stop receiving events
          // application will shutdown; release all unused objects
      public UModelUpdateAction OnUpdateCommand(int nID, object pUModel)
          UModelUpdateAction action = UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // check if automatically setting the prefix is turned on:
          if (nID == 3 || nID == 4)
              action = UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Enable;
              if (m_bSetPrefix)
                  action |= UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Check;
          // release unused objects
          //GC.Collect(); not necessary since we do not access objects here
          return action;
      public void OnCommand(int nID, object pUModel)
          // toggle automatically setting the prefix:
          if (nID == 3 || nID == 4)
              m_bSetPrefix = !m_bSetPrefix;
          // attach UModelApplicationEvents when "SetPrefix" functionality is turned on; detach otherwise
          if (m_bSetPrefix)
          // release unused objects
  /* UModelApplicationEvents is an eventhandler to receive _IApplicationEvents
    * that we know when UModel documents are opened or closed
    * and that we can Attach/Detach UModelDataEvents
    * We are interested in all _IApplicationEvents and use a connectionpoint to connect to all these events
  public class UModelApplicationEvents : UModelLib._IApplicationEvents
      // connection point to _IApplicationEvents
      System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint m_cpApplicationEvents = null;
      // connection cookie
      int m_nApplicationtEventsCookie = 0;
      // we always hold a reference to UModelDataEvents
      UModelDataEvents m_UMLDataEvents = new UModelDataEvents();
      public void Attach(IApplication iApp)
          if (m_cpApplicationEvents == null && iApp != null)
              // find connection point of _IApplicationEvents
              IConnectionPointContainer icpc = (IConnectionPointContainer)iApp;
              Guid IID = typeof(UModelLib._IApplicationEvents).GUID;
              icpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref IID, out m_cpApplicationEvents);
              // advise UModelApplicationEvents as sink for _IApplicationEvents
              m_cpApplicationEvents.Advise(this, out m_nApplicationtEventsCookie);
              // also attach UModelDataEvents to the current document and start receiving events there
      public void Detach()
          if (m_cpApplicationEvents != null)
              // also detach UModelDataEvents and stop receiving events there
              // terminate established connection to _IApplicationEvents
              m_cpApplicationEvents = null;
      #region _IApplicationEvents Members
      public void OnNewDocument(Document ipDocument)
          Debug.WriteLine("UModelApplicationEvents.OnNewDocument " + ipDocument.Name);
          // a new document has been created in UModel => (re-)connect UModelDataEvents
      public void OnDocumentOpened(Document ipDocument)
          Debug.WriteLine("UModelApplicationEvents.OnDocumentOpened " + ipDocument.Name);
          // a document has been opened in UModel => (re-)connect UModelDataEvents
      public void OnDocumentClosed(Document ipDocument)
          Debug.WriteLine("UModelApplicationEvents.OnDocumentClosed " + ipDocument.Name);
          // document has been closed in UModel => disconnect UModelDataEvents
      public void OnShutdown()
  /* UModelDataEvents is an eventhandler to receive _IUMLDataEvents
    * from the root-package and all its children.
    * We are only interested in 'OnAfterAddChild' events, so we use a delegate to connect to this event.
  public class UModelDataEvents : UModelLib._IUMLDataEvents
      // hold a reference to the current UML Root package; this is safe as long as we listen to when it is deleted
      protected UMLData m_RootPackage = null;
      // attach this eventhandler to the root-package of the (current) document
      public void Attach(IDocument iDoc)
          if (m_RootPackage == null && iDoc != null && iDoc.RootPackage != null)
              // hold a reference to the current UML Root package
              m_RootPackage = (UMLData)iDoc.RootPackage;
              // ensure we get 'OnAfterAddChild' events for *any* added child of the rootpackage
              // (added to the root-package or one of its children)
              m_RootPackage.EventFilter = (int)ENUMUMLDataEventFilter.eUMLDataEvent_AddChildOrGrandChild;
              // ensure we get informed when m_RootPackage (and only itself; we do not care about its chidlren) is deleted
              m_RootPackage.EventFilter |= (int)ENUMUMLDataEventFilter.eUMLDataEvent_EraseData;
              // we are only interested in 'OnAfterAddChild' and 'OnBeforeErase' events so use and connect the delegates
              m_RootPackage.OnAfterAddChild += new _IUMLDataEvents_OnAfterAddChildEventHandler(OnAfterAddChild);
              m_RootPackage.OnBeforeErase += new _IUMLDataEvents_OnBeforeEraseEventHandler(OnBeforeErase);
      // detach eventhandler from the current UML Root package
      public void Detach()
          if (m_RootPackage != null)
              m_RootPackage.OnAfterAddChild -= OnAfterAddChild;
              m_RootPackage.OnBeforeErase -= OnBeforeErase;
              m_RootPackage = null;
              // release unused objects
      #region _IUMLDataEvents Members
      public void OnAfterAddChild(IUMLData ipUMLParent, IUMLData ipUMLChild)
          if (ipUMLParent == null || ipUMLChild == null)
          Debug.WriteLine("UModelDataEvents.OnAfterAddChild " + GetName(ipUMLChild) + " to " + GetName(ipUMLParent));
          // verify if newly added child is of interesting kind:
          bool bIsEnumerationLiteral = (ipUMLChild is IUMLEnumerationLiteral);
          bool bIsProperty = (ipUMLChild is IUMLProperty);
          if (bIsProperty || bIsEnumerationLiteral)
                  // check if child was added by undo/redo
                  // (we are not allowed to modify anything during Undo/Redo !!)
                  IDocument iDoc = (IDocument)ipUMLChild.Parent;
                  if (!iDoc.IsInUndoRedo)
                      // we only make one single modification here
                      // no need to use iDoc.BeginModification / iDoc.EndModification in this case
                      // get the wanted prefix for the element kind
                      string sPrefix = null;
                      if (bIsProperty)
                          sPrefix = "m_";
                      if (bIsEnumerationLiteral)
                          sPrefix = "k_";
                      IUMLNamedElement iNamedChild = (IUMLNamedElement)ipUMLChild;
                      // set prefix only if not already set:
                      if (sPrefix != null && !iNamedChild.Name.StartsWith(sPrefix))
                          // use SetName (instead of Name) that UModel automatically generates a valid, unique name starting with 'sPrefix + iNamedChild.Name'
                          iNamedChild.SetName(sPrefix + iNamedChild.Name);
              catch (System.Exception e)
                  Debug.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " + e.Message);
          // release unused objects
      public void OnBeforeErase(IUMLData ipUMLData)
          if (ipUMLData != null && m_RootPackage != null && ipUMLData.IsSameUMLData((IUMLData)m_RootPackage)) // should always be
              // Detach ourself, since the UML data of m_RootPackage has been deleted in UModel and we may not access it anymore
      public void OnChanged(IUMLData ipUMLData, string strHint)
          // unused
      public void OnMoveData(IUMLData ipUMLParent, IUMLData ipUMLChild, bool bAttach)
          // unused
      protected string GetName(IUMLData iUMLData)
          if (iUMLData is IUMLNamedElement)
              return ((IUMLNamedElement)iUMLData).Name;
          return "";

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