Altova MapForce 2025 Professional Edition

Returns the character representation of the decimal Unicode value (code) supplied as argument. Tip: To find the Unicode decimal code of a character, you can use the code-from-char function.




Built-in, C++, C#, Java, XQuery, XSLT 2.0, XSLT 3.0.






The Unicode value, as a decimal number.


Example 1

According to the charts available on the Unicode website (, the exclamation mark character has the hexadecimal value of 0021. The corresponding value in decimal format is 33. Therefore, supplying 33 as argument to the char-from-code function will return the ! character.


Example 2 (Professional and Enterprise editions)

This example shows how to replace special characters in a database with space characters. Consider an SQLite database consisting of a table "Lines" which has two columns: "ID" and "Description".


The goal is to extract each description to a CSV file (one description per line); therefore, a mapping to achieve this goal could look as follows:


However, because each "Description" row in Access contains multiple lines separated by CR/LF characters, the mapping output includes line breaks also, which is not the intended result:



To overcome this problem, we are going to add to the mapping the char-from-code and replace functions from the MapForce built-in library. Every description must be processed so that, whenever the characters above are encountered, they should be replaced by a space character.


In the Unicode chart (, the LF and CR characters correspond to hex 0A | dec 10 and hex 0D | dec 13 characters, respectively. Therefore, the mapping has to be modified to convert the decimal Unicode values 13 and 10 to a string, so as to allow further processing by the replace function.


If you preview the mapping now, notice that the CR/LF characters within each database field have been replaced by a space.



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