Altova MapForce 2025 Professional Edition

Altova's date/time extension functions can be used in XPath and XQuery expressions and provide additional functionality for the processing of data held as XML Schema's various date and time datatypes. The functions in this section can be used with Altova's XPath 3.0 and XQuery 3.0 engines. They are available in XPath/XQuery contexts.


Note about naming of functions and language applicability



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Add a duration to xs:dateTime XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions add a duration to xs:dateTime and return xs:dateTime. The xs:dateTime type has a format of CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss. This is a concatenation of the xs:date and xs:time formats separated by the letter T. A timezone suffix (+01:00, for example) is optional.


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Add a duration to xs:date XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions add a duration to xs:date and return xs:date. The xs:date type has a format of CCYY-MM-DD.


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Format and retrieve durations XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions parse an input xs:duration or xs:string and return, respectively, an xs:string or xs:duration.


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Add a duration to xs:time XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions add a duration to xs:time and return xs:time. The xs:time type has a lexical form of hh:mm:ss.sss. An optional time zone may be suffixed. The letter Z indicates Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). All other time zones are represented by their difference from UTC in the format +hh:mm, or -hh:mm. If no time zone value is present, it is considered unknown; it is not assumed to be UTC.


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Remove the timezone part from date/time datatypes XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions remove the timezone from the current xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time values, respectively. Note that the difference between xs:dateTime and xs:dateTimeStamp is that in the case of the latter the timezone part is required (while it is optional in the case of the former). So the format of an xs:dateTimeStamp value is: CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss±hh:mm. or CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. If the date and time is read from the system clock as xs:dateTimeStamp, the current-dateTime-no-TZ() function can be used to remove the timezone if so required.


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Return the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds from durations XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions return the number of days in a month, and the number of hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively, from durations.



Return the weekday from xs:dateTime or xs:date XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions return the weekday (as an integer) from xs:dateTime or xs:date. The days of the week are numbered (using the American format) from 1 to 7, with Sunday=1. In the European format, the week starts with Monday (=1). The American format, where Sunday=1, can be set by using the integer 0 where an integer is accepted to indicate the format.


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Return the week number from xs:dateTime or xs:date XP2 XQ1 XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions return the week number (as an integer) from xs:dateTime or xs:date. Week-numbering is available in the US, ISO/European, and Islamic calendar formats. Week-numbering is different in these calendar formats because the week is considered to start on different days (on Sunday in the US format, Monday in the ISO/European format, and Saturday in the Islamic format).


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Build date, time, and duration datatypes from their lexical components XP3.1 XQ3.1

The functions take the lexical components of the xs:date, xs:time, or xs:duration datatype as input arguments and combine them to build the respective datatype.


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Construct date, dateTime, and time datatypes from string input XP2 XQ1 XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions take strings as arguments and construct xs:date, xs:dateTime, or xs:time datatypes. The string is analyzed for components of the datatype based on a submitted pattern argument.


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Age-related functions XP3.1 XQ3.1

These functions return the age as calculated (i) between one input argument date and the current date, or (ii) between two input argument dates. The altova:age function returns the age in terms of years, the altova:age-details function returns the age as a sequence of three integers giving the years, months, and days of the age.


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Epoch time (Unix time) functions XP3.1 XQ3.1

Epoch time is a time system used on Unix systems. It defines any given point in time as being the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. Altova's Epoch time extension functions convert xs:dateTime values to Epoch time values and vice versa.



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