Altova MapForce 2025 Professional Edition

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Depending on your business needs and requirements, the complexity of your mappings can vary: For example, you may need to configure your mapping to read data from one source and write this data to multiple targets or to merge data from multiple sources into one target. Different data structures can be used as sources and targets: e.g., XML files, databases, EDI files, etc. To find out more about the supported data formats, see Mapping: Sources and Targets.


The complexity of mapping designs is illustrated in but not limited to the following scenarios:


Mapping one source to one target. For more information, see Tutorial 1.

Merging multiple data sources into one target. For more information, see Tutorial 2.

Mapping data from one source to the first target, then filtering the data in such a way that only a subset of this data is mapped to the second target. See Tutorial 3.

Mapping multiple sources to multiple targets. See Tutorial 4.


Regardless of the technology you work with, MapForce typically determines automatically the structure of your data or suggests supplying a schema for your data. MapForce can also generate schemas from a sample instance file. For example, if you have an XML instance file but no schema definition, MapForce can generate it for you. Thus, MapForce makes the data inside the XML file available for mapping to other files or formats. To find out more about the basic terms and features of MapForce, see Mapping Fundamentals and User Interface Overview.


Projects (Professional and Enterprise editions)

For easier access and management, you can organize your data mapping designs into mapping projects. In addition to generating code for individual mappings within the project, you can generate program code for entire projects. For details, see Projects.


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