XSLT and XPath/XQuery Functions
This section lists Altova extension functions and other extension functions that can be used in XPath and/or XQuery expressions. Altova extension functions can be used with Altova's XSLT and XQuery engines, and provide functionality additional to that available in the function libraries defined in the W3C standards.
General points
The following general points should be noted:
•Functions from the core function libraries defined in the W3C specifications can be called without a prefix. That's because the XSLT and XQuery engines read non-prefixed functions as belonging to a default functions namespace which is that specified in the XPath/XQuery functions specifications http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions. If this namespace is explicitly declared in an XSLT or XQuery document, the prefix used in the namespace declaration can also optionally be used on function names.
•In general, if a function expects a sequence of one item as an argument, and a sequence of more than one item is submitted, then an error is returned.
•All string comparisons are done using the Unicode codepoint collation.
•Results that are QNames are serialized in the form [prefix:]localname.
Precision of xs:decimal
The precision refers to the number of digits in the number, and a minimum of 18 digits is required by the specification. For division operations that produce a result of type xs:decimal, the precision is 19 digits after the decimal point with no rounding.
Implicit timezone
When two date, time, or dateTime values need to be compared, the timezones of the values being compared need to be known. When the timezone is not explicitly given in such a value, the implicit timezone is used. The implicit timezone is taken from the system clock, and its value can be checked with the implicit-timezone() function.
The default collation is the Unicode codepoint collation, which compares strings on the basis of their Unicode codepoint. The engine uses the Unicode Collation Algorithm. Other supported collations are the ICU collations listed below; to use one of these, supply its URI as given in the table below. Any string comparisons, including for the max and min functions, will be made according to the specified collation. If the collation option is not specified, the default Unicode-codepoint collation is used.
Language | URIs |
da: Danish | da_DK |
de: German | de_AT, de_BE, de_CH, de_DE, de_LI, de_LU |
en: English | en_AS, en_AU, en_BB, en_BE, en_BM, en_BW, en_BZ, en_CA, en_GB, en_GU, en_HK, en_IE, en_IN, en_JM, en_MH, en_MP, en_MT, en_MU, en_NA, en_NZ, en_PH, en_PK, en_SG, en_TT, en_UM, en_US, en_VI, en_ZA, en_ZW |
es: Spanish | es_419, es_AR, es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR, es_DO, es_EC, es_ES, es_GQ, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI, es_PA, es_PE, es_PR, es_PY, es_SV, es_US, es_UY, es_VE |
fr: French | fr_BE, fr_BF, fr_BI, fr_BJ, fr_BL, fr_CA, fr_CD, fr_CF, fr_CG, fr_CH, fr_CI, fr_CM, fr_DJ, fr_FR, fr_GA, fr_GN, fr_GP, fr_GQ, fr_KM, fr_LU, fr_MC, fr_MF, fr_MG, fr_ML, fr_MQ, fr_NE, fr_RE, fr_RW, fr_SN, fr_TD, fr_TG |
it: Italian | it_CH, it_IT |
ja: Japanese | ja_JP |
nb: Norwegian Bokmal | nb_NO |
nl: Dutch | nl_AW, nl_BE, nl_NL |
nn: Nynorsk | nn_NO |
pt: Portuguese | pt_AO, pt_BR, pt_GW, pt_MZ, pt_PT, pt_ST |
ru: Russian | ru_MD, ru_RU, ru_UA |
sv: Swedish | sv_FI, sv_SE |
Namespace axis
The namespace axis is deprecated in XPath 2.0. Use of the namespace axis is, however, supported. To access namespace information with XPath 2.0 mechanisms, use the in-scope-prefixes(), namespace-uri() and namespace-uri-for-prefix() functions.