Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2025

The wrapper class is defined in the C# file named RaptorXMLREST.cs, and it is named RaptorXMLRESTAPI.


It defines the following key classes for sending HTTP requests and receiving HTTP responses via REST:







It defines the following functions:







To see how the wrapper implements the REST API, read the Client Requests section to understand how the REST API works. After that you can read the C# code of the wrapper class to see how the wrapper implements C# code for the REST API.


For example, if you want to see how a command is sent to RaptorXML+XBRL Server from C# code, you could do the following:


The REST interface enables a command to be sent to RaptorXML+XBRL Server via a HTTP POST request. This mechanism is described in the topic Initiating Jobs with POST.

The next question is: How would the wrapper pass the command to the REST API? The mechanism for this is defined in the wrapper's Command class. Open the file RaptorXMLREST.cs  to see the code of the Command class.

Finally, to see how the program code instantiates the wrapper's Command class, see the code of the three jobs in the program code.


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