--listfile = true|false If true, treats the command's InputFile argument as a text file containing one filename per line. Default value is false. (An alternative is to list the files on the CLI with a space as separator. Note, however, that CLIs have a maximum-character limitation.) Note that the --listfile option applies only to arguments, and not to options. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--pa | --parallel-assessment = true|false If set to true, schema validity assessment is carried out in parallel. This means that if there are more than 128 elements at any level, these elements are processed in parallel using multiple threads. Very large XML files can therefore be processed faster if this option is enabled. Parallel assessment takes place on one hierarchical level at a time, but can occur at multiple levels within a single infoset. Note that parallel assessment does not work in streaming mode. For this reason, the --streaming option is ignored if --parallel-assessment is set to true. Also, memory usage is higher when the --parallel-assessment option is used. The default setting is false. Short form for the option is --pa. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--script = FILE Executes the Python script in the submitted file after validation has been completed. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one script.
--api, --script-api-version = 1; 2; 2.1 to 2.4; 2.4.1; 2.5 to 2.8; 2.8.1 to 2.8.6; 2.9.0; 2.10.0; 2.11.0 Specifies the Python API version to be used for the script. The default value is the latest version, currently 2.11.0. Instead of integer values such as 1 and 2, you can also use the corresponding values 1.0 and 2.0. Similarly, you can use the three-digit 2.5.0 for the two-digit 2.5. Also see the topic Python API Versions.
--script-param = KEY:VALUE Additional user-specified parameters that can be accessed during the execution of Python scripts. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one script parameter.
--streaming = true|false Enables streaming validation. Default is true. In streaming mode, data stored in memory is minimized and processing is faster. The downside is that information that might be required subsequently—for example, a data model of the XML instance document—will not be available. In situations where this is significant, streaming mode will need to be turned off (by giving --streaming a value of false). When using the --script option with the valxml-withxsd command, disable streaming. Note that the --streaming option is ignored if --parallel-assessment is set to true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--xml-validation-error-as-warning = true|false If true, treats validation errors as warnings. If errors are treated as warnings, additional processing, such as XSLT transformations, will continue regardless of errors. Default is false.