Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2025

Syntax and description

The setdeflang command (short form is sdl) sets the default language of RaptorXML+XBRL Server. Available languages are English (en), German (de), Spanish (es), French (fr), and Japanese (ja). The command takes a mandatory LanguageCode argument.


raptorxmlxbrl setdeflang [options] LanguageCode

raptorxmlxbrlserver setdeflang [options] LanguageCode


The LanguageCode argument is required and sets the default language of RaptorXML+XBRL Server. The respective values to use are: en, de, es, fr, ja.

The setdeflang command can be called from either executable: raptorxmlxbrl or raptorxmlxbrlserver.

Use the --h, --help  option to display information about the command.





Examples of the setdeflang (sdl) command:


raptorxmlxbrl sdl de

raptorxmlxbrl setdeflang es

raptorxmlxbrlserver setdeflang es


The first command sets the default language of RaptorXML+XBRL Server to German.

The second command sets the default language of RaptorXML+XBRL Server to Spanish.

The third command is the same as the second command, but is executed by the server-executable.



Use the --h, --help  option to display information about the command.

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