Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2025

XBRL Validation Commands

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The XBRL validation commands can be used to validate XBRL instance documents and XBRL taxonomies according to the XBRL 2.1, Dimensions 1.0 and Formula 1.0 specifications. The available commands are listed below and described in detail in the sub-sections of this section:


valxbrl: Validates an XBRL instance document (.xbrl extension)

valinlinexbrl: Validates one or more Inline XBRL (iXBRL) documents according to the Inline XBRL 1.0 or Inline XBRL 1.1 specification

valreportpackage: validates one or more report packages according to the Report Packages 1.0 specification

valxbrltaxonomy: Validates an XBRL taxonomy (schema) document (.xsd extension)

valtaxonomypackage: Validates one or more XBRL taxonomy packages according to the Taxonomy 1.0 Packages specification

valxbrlver: Validates one or more XBRL versioning reports according to the XBRL Versioning 1.0 specification

oim-csv: Loads and validates an OIM CSV file and converts it to another OIM format (JSON/XML)

oim-json: Loads and validates an OIM JSON file and converts it to another OIM format (CSV/XML)

oim-xml: Loads and validates an OIM XML file and converts it to another OIM format (CSV/JSON)


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