Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2025

The valany command is a general command that validates a document on the basis of what type of document it is. The type of the input document is detected automatically, and the corresponding validation is carried out according to the respective specification. The InputFile argument is the document to validate. Note that only one document can be submitted as the argument of the command.


raptorxmlxbrl valany [options] InputFile


The valany command covers the following types of validation. Its options are those that are available for the corresponding individual validation command. See the description of the respective validation commands for a list of their respective options.


valdtd (dtd)

valxsd (xsd)

valxml-withdtd (xml)

valxml-withxsd (xsi)



valxbrl (xbrl) 

valinlinexbrl (ixbrl)                                 

valxbrltaxonomy (dts)

valavrojson (avrojson)




raptorxmlxbrl valany c:\Test.xsd

raptorxmlxbrl valany --error-format=text c:\Test.xbrl




See the description of the respective validation commands for a list of their respective options. Note, however, that while most individual validation commands accept multiple input documents, the valany command accepts only one input document. Options such as the --listfile option will therefore not apply to valany.


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