The valinlinexbrl | ixbrl command validates one or more Inline XBRL (iXBRL) documents according to the Inline XBRL 1.0 or Inline XBRL 1.1 specification. An XBRL file is generated from the Inline XBRL and can be saved.
raptorxmlxbrl valinlinexbrl | ixbrl [options] InputFile |
•The InputFile argument specifies the Inline XBRL document (typically, an XHTML document) to validate. In the first step of the validation, command execution transforms the XHTML to XBRL by extracting the Inline XBRL. If no error is generated in this first step and if the --validate-xbrl option is set to true, then the generated XBRL is validated against the XBRL taxonomy specified in the Inline XBRL.
•To validate multiple documents, either: (i) list the files to be validated on the CLI, with each file separated from the next by a space; or (ii) list the files to be validated in a text file (.txt file), with one filename per line, and supply this text file as the InputFile argument together with the --listfile option set to true (see the Options list below). Note that even when multiple Inline XBRL input files are processed, only one XBRL document is generated.
Examples of the valinlinexbrl command:
•raptorxmlxbrl valinlinexbrl c:\MyIXBRL.xhtml
•raptorxmlxbrl valinlinexbrl --ixbrl-version=1.1 c:\MyIXBRL.xhtml
•raptorxmlxbrl ixbrl --validate-xbrl=true --xbrl-output=C:\MyOutXBRL.xbrl C:\MyIXBRL.xhtml
•raptorxmlxbrl ixbrl --validate-xbrl=false --xbrl-output=C:\MyOutXBRL.xbrl C:\MyIXBRL.xhtml
•raptorxmlxbrl ixbrl --xbrl-output=C:\MyOutXBRL.xbrl --document-set=true --listfile=true C:\MyFileList.txt
RaptorXMLXBRL (and RaptorXMLXBRLServer for administration commands) on Windows raptorxmlxbrl (and raptorxmlxbrlserver for administration commands) on Windows and Unix (Linux, Mac) * Note that lowercase (raptorxmlxbrl and raptorxmlxbrlserver) works on all platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac), while upper-lower (RaptorXMLXBRL) works only on Windows and Mac. * Use forward slashes on Linux and Mac, backslashes on Windows. |
On Windows systems: When spaces or special characters occur in strings (for example in file or folder names, or company, person or product names), use quotes: for example, "My File". Note, however, that a backslash followed by a double-quotation mark (for example, "C:\My directory\") might not be read correctly. This is because the backslash character is also used to indicate the start of an escape sequence, and the escape sequence \" stands for the double-quotation mark character. If you want to escape this sequence of characters, use a preceding backslash, like this: \\". To summarize: If you need to write a file path that contains spaces or an end backslash, write it like this: "C:\My Directory\\". |
Options are listed in short form (if available) and long form. You can use one or two dashes for both short and long forms. An option may or may not take a value. If it takes a value, it is written like this: --option=value. Values can be specified without quotes except in two cases: (i) when the value string contains spaces, or (ii) when explicitly stated in the description of the option that quotes are required. If an option takes a Boolean value and no value is specified, then the option's default value is TRUE. Use the --h, --help option to display information about the command.
--additional-dts-entry-point = FILE Forces the specified entry-point file to be included in the DTS discovery process. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one entry point. |
--calc11.rounding = round-to-nearest|truncate Specifies the XBRL Calculations 1.1 rounding mode. Default is round-to-nearest. |
--calculations-mode = only_10 | only_11 | 10_and_11 | force_11 Specifies the XBRL Calculations versions to use and to which relationships they are applied. This only has an effect if --summation-item-checks are not disabled. Default is 10_and_11. |
--ct-restrict-mode = 1.0|1.1|default Specifies how to check complex type restrictions. A value of 1.0 checks complex type restrictions as defined in the XSD 1.0 specification—even in XSD 1.1 validation mode. A value of 1.1 checks complex type restrictions as defined in the XSD 1.1 specification—even in XSD 1.0 validation mode. A value of default checks complex type restrictions as defined in the XSD specification of the current validation mode (1.0 or 1.1). The default value is default. |
--deduplicate = true|false Enables de-duplication according to the Handling Duplicate Facts in XBRL and Inline XBRL 1.0 specification. Removes facts that are (i) complete duplicates, (ii) consistent duplicates (by definition these are numeric facts; the most accurate of the duplicates is retained for processing). Inconsistent and multi-language duplicates are not affected by this option. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--dimensions = true|false Enables XBRL Dimension 1.0 extensions. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--dts = FILE Preloads the DTS entry point given in FILE, and uses it for the validation of instance files. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one entry point. Entry points in instance files will be ignored. The command is used to batch validate multiple instance files that all refer to the same taxonomy. The --dts option instructs the Raptor engine to load the DTS only a single time—and not for each instance in the file list. (A file list is given either on the CLI, or in a text file that is indicated as a file list by setting the --listfile option to true.) If an instance file in the file list references a different taxonomy, then a warning is issued. This command can greatly speed up validation time when validating many small instance files each that have a large supporting DTS; it provides no advantage when validating a single instance file. |
--essence-alias-checks = true|false Enables reporting of essence-alias inconsistencies. Default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--generic-links = true|false Enables the XBRL Generic Links 1.0 extension. Default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--generic-preferred-label = true|false Enables the XBRL Generic Preferred Label 1.0 extension. Default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--inconsistencies-limit = N | unlimited Specifies the XBRL inconsistencies limit, with values being in the range 1-65535 or unlimited. Processing continues if the limit is reached, but further inconsistencies are not reported. The default value is 100. |
--listfile = true|false If true, treats the command's InputFile argument as a text file containing one filename per line. Default value is false. (An alternative is to list the files on the CLI with a space as separator. Note, however, that CLIs have a maximum-character limitation.) Note that the --listfile option applies only to arguments, and not to options. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--pa | --parallel-assessment = true|false If set to true, schema validity assessment is carried out in parallel. This means that if there are more than 128 elements at any level, these elements are processed in parallel using multiple threads. Very large XML files can therefore be processed faster if this option is enabled. Parallel assessment takes place on one hierarchical level at a time, but can occur at multiple levels within a single infoset. Note that parallel assessment does not work in streaming mode. For this reason, the --streaming option is ignored if --parallel-assessment is set to true. Also, memory usage is higher when the --parallel-assessment option is used. The default setting is false. Short form for the option is --pa. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--preload-xbrl-schemas = true|false Preloads schemas of the XBRL 2.1 specification. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--recurse = true|false Used to select files within sub-directories, including in ZIP archives. If true, the command's InputFile argument will select the specified file also in subdirectories. For example: "|zip\test.xml" will select files named test.xml at all folder levels of the zip folder. References to ZIP files must be given in quotes. The wildcard characters * and ? may be used. So, *.xml will select all .xml files in the (zip) folder. The option's default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--report-duplicates = all|complete|consistent|inconsistent|inconsistent-numeric|inconsistent-non-numeric|multi-language Enables the reporting of duplicate facts of the specified duplicate class. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one duplicate class. There is no default value. If no value is specified, then no check for duplicates is carried out. |
--report-duplicates-severity = info|warning|inconsistency|error Specifies whether the detected duplicate facts should be reported as errors or warnings. If they are reported as errors, then the XBRL validation of the instance will fail. The default is error. |
--report-import-namespace-mismatch-as-warning = true|false Downgrades namespace or target-namespace mismatch errors when importing schemas with xs:import from errors to warnings. The default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--requires-element-checks = true|false Enables reporting of requires-element inconsistencies. The default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--schema-imports = load-by-schemalocation | load-preferring-schemalocation | load-by-namespace | load-combining-both | license-namespace-only Specifies the behaviour of xs:import elements, each of which has an optional namespace attribute and an optional schemaLocation attribute: <import namespace="someNS" schemaLocation="someURL">. The option specifies whether to load a schema document or just license a namespace, and, if a schema document is to be loaded, which information should be used to find it. Default: load-preferring-schemalocation. The behavior is as follows: •load-by-schemalocation: The value of the schemaLocation attribute is used to locate the schema, taking account of catalog mappings. If the namespace attribute is present, the namespace is imported (licensed). •load-preferring-schemalocation: If the schemaLocation attribute is present, it is used, taking account of catalog mappings. If no schemaLocation attribute is present, then the value of the namespace attribute is used via a catalog mapping. This is the default value. •load-by-namespace: The value of the namespace attribute is used to locate the schema via a catalog mapping. •load-combining-both: If either the namespace or schemaLocation attribute has a catalog mapping, then the mapping is used. If both have catalog mappings, then the value of the --schema-mapping option (XBRL option and XML/XSD option) decides which mapping is used. If no catalog mapping is present, the schemaLocation attribute is used. •license-namespace-only: The namespace is imported. No schema document is imported. |
--schema-mapping = prefer-schemalocation | prefer-namespace If schema location and namespace are both used to find a schema document, specifies which of them should be preferred during catalog lookup. (If either the --schemalocation-hints or the --schema-imports option has a value of load-combining-both, and if the namespace and URL parts involved both have catalog mappings, then the value of this option specifies which of the two mappings to use (namespace mapping or URL mapping; the prefer-schemalocation value refers to the URL mapping).) Default is prefer-schemalocation. |
--schemalocation-hints = load-by-schemalocation | load-by-namespace | load-combining-both | ignore Specifies the behavior of the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes: Whether to load a schema document, and, if yes, which information should be used to find it. Default: load-by-schemalocation. •The load-by-schemalocation value uses the URL of the schema location in the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes in XML or XBRL instance documents. This is the default value. •The load-by-namespace value takes the namespace part of xsi:schemaLocation and an empty string in the case of xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation and locates the schema via a catalog mapping. •If load-combining-both is used and if either the namespace part or the URL part has a catalog mapping, then the catalog mapping is used. If both have catalog mappings, then the value of the --schema-mapping option (XBRL option and XML/XSD option) decides which mapping is used. If neither the namespace nor URL has a catalog mapping, the URL is used. •If the option's value is ignore, then the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes are both ignored. |
--script = FILE Executes the Python script in the submitted file after validation has been completed. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one script. |
--api, --script-api-version = 1; 2; 2.1 to 2.4; 2.4.1; 2.5 to 2.8; 2.8.1 to 2.8.6; 2.9.0; 2.10.0; 2.11.0 Specifies the Python API version to be used for the script. The default value is the latest version, currently 2.11.0. Instead of integer values such as 1 and 2, you can also use the corresponding values 1.0 and 2.0. Similarly, you can use the three-digit 2.5.0 for the two-digit 2.5. Also see the topic Python API Versions. |
--script-output = FILE Writes the script's standard output to the file named in FILE. |
--script-param = KEY:VALUE Additional user-specified parameters that can be accessed during the execution of Python scripts. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one script parameter. |
--summation-item-checks = true|false Enables reporting of summation-item inconsistencies. Use the --calculations-mode option to specify which version of XBRL Calculations check should be applied. The default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--taxonomy-package = FILE Specifies the absolute path to an additional taxonomy package as described in the Taxonomy Package 1.0 and Taxonomy Packages 1.0 working drafts. The value of FILE gives the location of the taxonomy package. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one taxonomy package. |
--taxonomy-packages-config-file = FILE Specifies the path to the TaxonomyPackagesConfig.json file, which is used to load XBRL taxonomy packages. The file's convenience is that it serves as a catalog of taxonomy packages. The structure of the JSON file is as in the example listing below. The value of the uri key gives the location of the package. The active key (of a set of packages) switches on usage of those packages. {"taxonomies": {"EIOPA Solvency II XBRL Taxonomy 2.1.0": {"packages":[ {"uri":"C:\\test\\XBRL\\"}, {"uri":"C:\\test\\XBRL\\"} ],"active":true },"Test Taxonomy": {"packages":[{"uri":"C:\\test\\XBRL\\"}],"active":true } } } |
--treat-custom-role-errors-as-warnings = true|false Reports non-critical XBRL errors related to custom role/arcrole types (for example, missing roleRefs) as warnings. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--treat-inconsistencies-as-errors = true|false Causes XBRL validation to fail if the file contains any inconsistency as defined by the XBRL 2.1 specification. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--treat-invalid-use-of-standard-role-as-warning = true|false Specifies whether the invalid use of standard roles should be reported only as a warning. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--uri-transformation = none|make-absolute|make-relative|keep-relative Specifies how URIs should written to the generated XBRL document. •none: Copy URI verbatim to target document •make-absolute: Make any relative URIs absolute by resolving against the in-scope base URI at the respective element in the input document. For example: if the input file is c:\test\inlinexbrl.xhtml, and it contains a relative reference to a schema, schemas\schema.xsd, then the relative reference would be resolved to: c:\test\schemas\schema.xsd. Note that xml:base attributes in the input document can change the base URI. •make-relative: If possible, make any absolute and relative URIs relative to the output document (otherwise write the resolved absolute URI) •keep-relative: If possible, make only the relative URIs relative to the output document (and copy any absolute URI) |
--utr-file = FILE Specifies the path to the Units Registry file. The default is: |
--utr-status = PWD|CR|REC|NIE|PROPOSED|IWD|ACK|RR Enables support of unit definitions with the given status in the Units Registry. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one unit status. Default is REC. |
--validate-dts-only = true|false The DTS is discovered by starting from the XBRL instance document. All referenced taxonomy schemas and linkbases are discovered and validated. The rest of the XBRL instance document is ignored. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--xinclude = true|false Enables XML Inclusions (XInclude) support. Default value is false. When false, XInclude's include elements are ignored. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--document-set = true|false If set to true, all submitted files (the Inline XBRL documents) will be treated as an Inline XBRL Document Set. The default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--esef = true|false Executes additional validation rules as specified in the ESMA ESEF Reporting Manual. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--extended-whitespace-normalization = true|false If true, enables normalization of Unicode Category Z whitespace characters, including non-breaking spaces. Default is: false. |
--ixbrl-version = 1.0|1.1|detect Specifies the version of the Inline XBRL specification to use for validation. The default is detect. |
--non-numeric-whitespace-normalization = preserve|replace|collapse|trim Specifies how to handle whitespace normalization in ix:nonNumeric elements that do not have a format attribute. The default is preserve. |
--transformation-registry = #all | | | | | | In Inline XBRL, date and numeric types may be rendered in a variety of lexical formats, but in XBRL these types have specific formats. For example, a date in Inline XBRL might be given as 01 January 2017, but in XBRL the format of this date would be 2017-01-01. The Inline XBRL Transformation Registries specify the conversion rules to follow when date and numeric values are converted from Inline XBRL to XBRL. The transformation-registry option limits the registry that will be used to that which you specify. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one transformation registry. The default value is #all, which selects all available transformation registries. (For the list of available transformation registries in your version of RaptorXML+XBRL Server, check the description of the command on the CLI.) |
--validate-xbrl = true|false If set to true, enables validation of the XBRL document that is generated from the Inline XBRL document. If set to false, then validation stops after the first step that generates the XBRL. The default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--xbrl-output = FILE Writes the generated XBRL output to the file location specified in this option. Note that even when multiple Inline XBRL input files are processed, only one XBRL document is generated. |
--assertion-severity = true|false Enables the Assertion Severity 1.0 and 2.0 extensions. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--assertions-output = FILE Writes the output of the assertion evaluation to the specified FILE. If set, automatically specifies --formula-execution=true. |
--assertions-output-format = json|xml Specifies the output format of the assertion evaluation. Default is json. |
--enable-formula-optimizations = true|false Enables optimizations for variable sets in which there are no explicit dependencies between fact variables. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--evaluate-referenced-parameters-only = true|false If false, forces evaluation of all parameters even if they are not referenced by any formulas/assertions/tables. Default is: true. |
--formula = true|false Enables the XBRL Formula 1.0 extension. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--formula-assertion-set = VALUE Limits formula execution to the given assertion set only. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one assertion set. Short form is --as. The VALUE is either the value of the @id attribute, or a URI with an XPointer fragment that identifies the resource. The special values ##none and ##all can also be used. |
--formula-execution = true|false Enables evaluation of XBRL formulas. Default is true. If true, automatically specifies --formula=true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--formula-output = FILE Writes the output of formula evaluation to the specified FILE. If set, automatically specifies --formula-execution=true. |
--formula-parameters = JSON-ARRAY Specifies parameters for XBRL formula evaluation as array of JSON maps directly on the CLI. See the section Formula Parameters for details. |
--formula-parameters-file = FILE Specifies a FILE containing the parameters for XBRL formula evaluation. The file can be either an XML file or JSON file. See the section, Formula Parameters. |
--ignore-assertion = VALUE Excludes the given assertion from the execution. Add this option multiple times to specify more than one assertion. |
--ignore-assertions-file = FILE Specifies a path to a file that contains a list of IDs/XPointers of assertions to exclude from processing. In the file, enter one assertion per line. |
--ignore-formula = VALUE Excludes the given formula from the execution. Add this option multiple times to specify more than one formula. |
--ignore-formulas-file = FILE Specifies a path to a file that contains a list of formula IDs/XPointers to exclude from processing. In the file, enter one formula per line. |
--message-lang = VALUE Specifies the language to use when displaying validation messages. Default is: en. Other accepted values are de, es, fr, ja, for, respectively, German, Spanish, French, and Japanese. |
--message-role = VALUE Specifies the preferred message role to use when displaying validation messages. Default is: |
--preload-formula-schemas = true|false Preloads schemas of the XBRL Formula 1.0 specification. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--a | --process-assertion = VALUE Limits formula execution to the given assertion only. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one assertion. Short form is --a. The VALUE is either the value of the @id attribute, or a URI with an XPointer fragment that identifies the resource. The special values ##none and ##all can also be used. |
--as | --process-assertion-set = VALUE Limits formula execution to the given assertion set only. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one assertion set. Short form is --as. The VALUE is either the value of the @id attribute, or a URI with an XPointer fragment that identifies the resource. The special values ##none and ##all can also be used. |
--process-assertions-file = FILE Specifies a path to a file that contains a list of IDs/XPointers of assertions to execute. In the file, enter one assertion per line. |
--f | --process-formula = VALUE Limits formula execution to the given formula only. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one formula. Short form is --f. The VALUE is either the value of the @id attribute, or a URI with an XPointer fragment that identifies the resource. The special values ##none and ##all can also be used. |
--process-formulas-file = FILE Specifies a path to a file that contains a list of IDs/XPointers of formulas to execute. In the file, enter one formula per line. |
--report-unsatisfied-assertion-evaluations = true|false Reports the evaluation of unsatisfied assertion as errors or warnings depending on the assigned assertion severity level. The default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--variableset-execution-timeout = VALUE Applied when executing formulas (--formula-execution=true). Specifies the maximum time allowed for executing a single variable set (a formula or a value, or an existence or consistency assertion). The time is specified in minutes and must be a positive number. The default is 30min. If a particular variable set doesn’t finish execution before the timeout is reached, then it is aborted. An error message is displayed (and entered in the verbose log). Note, however, that the timeout check is carried out only after every variable set evaluation—and not during execution of individual XPath expressions. So, if a single XPath expression takes long to execute, the timeout limit might be crossed. Execution of a variable set is aborted only once a complete variable set evaluation has been executed. |
--aspect-node-order = lexical|instance Specifies the layout order of an open aspectNode. The default is lexical. |
--concept-label-linkrole = VALUE Specifies the preferred extended link role to use when rendering concept labels. |
--concept-label-role = VALUE Specifies the preferred label role to use when rendering concept labels. Default is: |
--generic-label-linkrole = VALUE Specifies the preferred extended link role to use when rendering generic labels. |
--generic-label-role = VALUE Specifies the preferred label role to use when rendering generic labels. Default is: |
--label-lang = VALUE Specifies the preferred language to use when rendering labels. Default is: en. |
--preload-table-schemas = true|false Preloads schemas of the XBRL Table 1.0 specification. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--t | --process-table = VALUE Limits formula execution to the given table only. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one table. Short form is --t. The VALUE is either the value of the @id attribute, or a URI with an XPointer fragment that identifies the resource. The special values ##none and ##all can also be used. |
--table = true|false Enables the XBRL Table 1.0 extension. Default value is true. If true, automatically specifies --formula=true and --dimensions=true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--table-elimination = true|false Enables elimination of empty table rows/columns in HTML output. Default is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--table-execution = true|false Enables evaluation of XBRL tables. Default is false. Will be set to true if --table-output is specified. If true, automatically specifies --table=true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--table-linkbase-namespace = ##detect | | | | | Enables loading of table linkbases written with a previous draft specification. Table linkbase validation, resolution, and layout is, however, always performed according to the Table Linkbase 1.0 Recommendation of 18 March 2014. Use ##detect to enable auto-detection. |
--table-output = FILE Writes the table output to the specified FILE. If set, automatically specifies --table-execution=true. |
--table-output-format = xml|html Specifies the format of the table output. Default is xml. |
--xule = FILE Executes the XULE rules contained in the specified file. If a directory or zip archive is specified, then all .xule files in that directory or archive will be executed. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one XULE file. |
--process-xule-rule = VALUE XULE rules have names. This option limits XULE execution to the rule whose name is given as the value of the option. Add the option multiple times to specify more than one rule. |
--xule-instance-namespace-bindings = true|false Makes namespace bindings from the root element of the XBRL instance available in the XULE processor. This would enable you to use (in the XULE document) the same namespace prefixes as those of the XBRL instance document. The default is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--xule-output = FILE Serializes XULE output to the file named here. |
--xule-report-rule-evaluations = true|false Depending on the severity of the rules, evaluations of XULE assertions are reported as errors, warnings, or infos. The default value is true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--xule-stack-size = VALUE Specifies the stack size for function calls to the XULE processor. The default value is 1000. |
--catalog = FILE Specifies the absolute path to a root catalog file that is not the installed root catalog file. The default value is the absolute path to the installed root catalog file (<installation-folder>\Altova\RaptorXMLXBRLServer2025\etc\RootCatalog.xml). See the section, XML Catalogs, for information about working with catalogs. |
--user-catalog = FILE Specifies the absolute path to an XML catalog to be used in addition to the root catalog. See the section, XML Catalogs, for information about working with catalogs. |
--enable-globalresources = true|false Enables global resources. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--error-format = text|shortxml|longxml Specifies the format of the error output. Default value is text. The other options generate XML formats, with longxml generating more detail. |
--error-limit = N | unlimited Specifies the error limit with a value range of 1 to 9999 or unlimited. The default value is 100. Processing stops when the error limit is reached. Useful for limiting processor use during validation/transformation. |
--info-limit = N | unlimited Specifies the information message limit in the range 1-65535 or unlimited. Processing continues if the specified info limit is reached, but further messages are not reported. The default value is 100. |
--help Displays help text for the command. For example, valany --h. (Alternatively the help command can be used with an argument. For example: help valany.) |
--listfile = true|false If true, treats the command's InputFile argument as a text file containing one filename per line. Default value is false. (An alternative is to list the files on the CLI with a space as separator. Note, however, that CLIs have a maximum-character limitation.) Note that the --listfile option applies only to arguments, and not to options. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--log-output = FILE Writes the log output to the specified file URL. Ensure that the CLI has write permission to the output location. |
--network-timeout = VALUE Specifies the timeout in milliseconds for remote I/O operations. Default is: 40000. |
--recurse = true|false Used to select files within sub-directories, including in ZIP archives. If true, the command's InputFile argument will select the specified file also in subdirectories. For example: "|zip\test.xml" will select files named test.xml at all folder levels of the zip folder. References to ZIP files must be given in quotes. The wildcard characters * and ? may be used. So, *.xml will select all .xml files in the (zip) folder. The option's default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--verbose = true|false A value of true enables output of additional information during validation. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value. |
--verbose-output = FILE Writes verbose output to FILE. |
--version Displays the version of RaptorXML+XBRL Server. If used with a command, place --version before the command. |
--warning-limit = N | unlimited Specifies the warning limit in the range 1-65535 or unlimited. Processing continues if this limit is reached, but further warnings are not reported. The default value is 100. |