Altova MobileTogether Designer

Reference the MT Libraries

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In order to integrate MobileTogether solutions in your UWP app, you will need to reference the relevant MobileTogether libraries from your UWP project directory. These libraries will be located in a descendant folder of your MobileTogether application folder, so MobileTogether Designer will need to have been installed. Create the library reference as follows:


1.Inside the application folder, go to the subfolder MobileTogetherSPL\WindowsApp. The required libraries are in the ZIP file

2.Copy the contents of the ZIP folder to your UWP project directory. The required files and folders are:


MobileTogether (folder)

zxing.uwp.ARM (folder)

zxing.uwp.x64 (folder)

zxing.uwp.x86 (folder)







3.Add a reference to the MT libraries listed above, the best way being to manually edit the .vcproj file as listed below. Note that each implemented platform requires a different DLL.

    <Reference Include="MobileTogether">
       <Implementation Condition=" '\$(Platform)' == 'ARM' ">MobileTogether.Windows.ARM.dll</Implementation>
       <Implementation Condition=" '\$(Platform)' == 'Win32' ">MobileTogether.Windows.x86.dll</Implementation>
       <Implementation Condition=" '\$(Platform)' == 'x64' ">MobileTogether.Windows.x64.dll</Implementation>


For an example, see the topic Example UWP App.


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