Altova MobileTogether Designer

You can include MobileTogether projects (.mtd files) as subprojects of your current project. The current project can then use components of the included subprojects. Conversely, the components of a subproject can be reused across multiple (parent) projects, saving you the need to redefine it in multiple projects. Note that you can also include a subproject that itself contains subprojects.


The following components can be defined in a subproject and reused in parent projects.


Design pages except top pages

Control templates

Page sources except the \$PERSISTENT page source.

DB sources

Style sheets except the project style sheet

Rich Text style sheets

Action groups

User-defined XPath functions

User-defined global variables

Chart settings

Server action libraries

Localization strings and languages


ID Push Notification button sets

OAuth settings


InApp Purchase products


Working with subprojects

There are two steps involved in using subprojects:


1.Create a subproject (new or from an existing project).

2.Include a subproject in your current project.


These steps are described in the subsections of this section.


All the included subprojects of a project are displayed in the project's Files Pane (see screenshot below).


The Files Pane acts as the control panel for displaying, including, importing, and removing subprojects.



Deploying to server and generating AppStore Apps

If your project contains subprojects and you deploy it to the server or export it as an AppStore App, all subprojects are merged to the main project.



Subprojects: including v/s copying

When a subproject is included, it is referenced from the main project. If you modify the subproject, then all the changes you make in the subproject will automatically be reflected in all the projects that include the subproject. The included subprojects of a project are listed in the project's Files Pane, under the Subprojects item (see screenshot above).


On the other hand, when a subproject is copied into a main project, its components are incorporated directly in the main project as components of the main project. The copy action is carried out via the Files Pane (see screenshot above), by right-clicking the included subproject that you want to copy and selecting the command Include Subproject as a Copy. The included subproject's components will be copied into the main project as the latter's components and the reference to the subproject will be removed from the Files Pane. The subproject (.mtd file) itself will not be deleted and can be included in any project at a later time.


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