Restore Purchases
The Restore Purchases action (screenshot below) updates an iOS client with the purchases of the current user account. Purchases made by the current account, including those made from other devices, will be updated on the current device. The action updates the Purchases element of the \$MT_IN_APP_PURCHASE page source. Note that this action applies only to iOS clients; or other clients, use the Query Purchases action.

Note: | If this action is the first In-App Purchase action to be added to the design, then the \$MT_IN_APP_PURCHASE page source tree will be added automatically to the design's page sources. For a description of this page source, see the topic In-App-Purchase Page Source. |
MobileTogether extension functions
MobileTogether provides a range of XPath extension functions that have been specifically created for use in MobileTogether designs. Some functions can be particularly useful with specific actions. For example, mt-available-languages() returns the languages in which the solution is available and could, for example, be used with the Message Box action. If a function is especially relevant to this action, it is listed below. For a full list of extension functions and their descriptions, see the topic MobileTogether Extension Functions.