Altova MobileTogether Designer

Commands in the context menus of items in the Page Sources Pane are described below. (The context menu of an item is accessed by right-clicking it.)


These commands are organized into two groups:


Context menus of root nodes

Context menus of any tree node.


Context menus of root nodes

The commands listed below are available in the context menus of root nodes (\$XML, \$DB, \$HTML, etc). In addition to the commands that are common across all types of page sources (XML, DB, HTML, etc), some types of page sources have commands that are specific to its type (for example, commands for DB page sources). The specificity of such commands is noted where relevant.




Context menus of tree nodes

The commands listed below are available in the context menus of tree nodes (all elements and attributes except the root node). In addition to the commands that are common across all types of page sources (XML, DB, HTML, etc), some types of page sources have commands that are specific to its type (for example, commands for DB page sources). The specificity of such commands is noted where relevant.




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