Altova MobileTogether Designer

Given below are the new-features lists of Version 1 releases.


Version 1.5

New features and updates in MobileTogether Designer Version 1.5 are listed below.


A Send Email To action enables emails to be sent during the execution of a solution.

The MobileTogether extension function mt-email-attachment creates text and image attachments for emails that are sent with the Send Email To action.

Links can be placed in the body of emails that are sent as HTML. These links can target Internet pages and MobileTogether solutions.

The control events and page events of a solution can trigger links that go to other MobileTogether solutions. Furthermore, the URLs that point to the MobileTogether solutions can contain URL query strings, which allow specific page contents to be displayed. See Hyperlinking to Solutions.

Hyperlinks that target solutions pass their URL query parameters to the targeted solution. These parameters can be stored in the \$MT_InputParameters global variable, from where they can be referenced.

Three link-related MobileTogether extension functions have been added: mt-run-solution-url, mt-run-solution-url-parameters, and mt-html-anchor.

A powerful Loop action enables reiteration over a set of nodes, and thereby provides more design possibilities and solution functionality.

Two other actions have been introduced: Hide Keyboard, and Update Display.  

A new radio button control has been introduced.

The strings of a solution automatically appear in the language of a mobile device if the solution has been localized in that language. In this release, the default and localization strings can be exported/imported between the project and separate XML files for each language. This enables individual translators to work independently of each other translating the default-language strings into their different target languages. Each translated XML file can be imported separately back into the project.

When entering the mt-load-string function in an XPath expression in the Edit XPath/XQuery Expression dialog, all the custom strings defined in the project are displayed in a popup. The value of the string in the simulation language currently selected in MobileTogether Designer is also displayed.

A new function, mt-localized-string-name, returns the control name or string name of the submitted (localized) string.

The button control has the new Button Look property that enables an icon to be added as the button display from a predefined selection of icons.

The horizontal line control has the following new properties: Line Style, Margin Top, Margin Bottom.

The width of all controls can be specified as a percentage of the page width (via the control's ControlWidth property).

Click events have been differentiated according to how long the user clicks the control. Taps on the control are On Click events, while longer presses are On Long Click events. Click events are available for the following controls: Buttons, Charts, Images, and Labels.

The Insert Node(s) and Append Node(s) actions have an option to remove the inserted/appended node/s from their original locations in a project's page sources.

Keyboard shortcuts for adding actions to the definition of an event.

Each control in the design can have one or more class names assigned to it via its Browser CSS Class property. Rules for class selectors can be defined in an external CSS file, which must be deployed to the server. The reference to this external CSS file is defined in the project's browser settings.

An external CSS file can be used to store additional CSS styles.

A new dialog for a project's browser settings collects the settings that define the behavior of the browser in the client mobile device.

Custom fonts can be embedded in a design.

Enhancements to the XPath/XQuery Expression dialog include interactive functions-and-operators information in popups, information about global variables and custom strings.

User-Defined XPath/XQuery Functions can be ordered in the ascending/descending/dialog order of function names.

Updating server settings on client devices.


Version 1.4

New features and updates in MobileTogether Designer Version 1.4 are listed below.


Support for geolocation retrieval and processing, which is a vital feature for transportation-based mobile solutions. Actions to track, read, and display geolocation data can be defined for events. Additionally, Altova XPath extension functions for manipulating geolocation data can be used in the design's XPath expressions. Geolocations can also be set for designer and server simulations so that geolocation input can be tested in the simulator.

Support for XQuery 3.1, which provides new features for using maps, arrays, data in the JSON format, and more. You can use the Edit XPath/XQuery Expression Dialog to create and check XQuery expressions.

String localization (translation into additional languages) enables translations of the strings of a solution to be stored with a project. The language in which the solution runs is automatically selected to be the same as that of the mobile device. You can test localized solutions by running simulations in a specific language.

Specific headers can now be added to HTTP requests. This is in addition to parameters that can be specified in the HTTP request.

Solutions can be chained to execute one after the other. The next solution to execute is specified in an option of the Cancel Solution action. [The Cancel Solution action is obsolete since v2.0; it is superseded by the Solution Execution action.]

Simulations have been enhanced for iOS7/8 rendering and for XML tree editing. Being able to modify the XML tree in the simulator and see the resulting changes immediately in the simulation speeds up testing.

The Project menu contains commands to show: (i) used global and page source variables; (ii) used user-defined XPath/XQuery functions; (iii) used action groups; (iv) as well as unused variables, functions, and action groups. This improves the maintenance and development of large, complex solutions.


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