Altova MobileTogether Designer

Hyperlinking to Solutions

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You can create hyperlinks to solutions in the following ways:


Via the Open URL action of page or control events

In an email that the end-user sends


If the URL of the hyperlink does not contain a query string, then the solution is opened at its start page. If the URL does contain a query string, then the solution is opened in accordance with the logic of the solution and the query string. As examples of the two types of URLs (without and with a query string), think about the URL of a search engine such as Google.


This URL, without a query string, opens the Google start page:

This URL contains a query string that queries the Google search engine for "Altova MobileTogether" (everything after the question mark is the query string). The URL directly opens a page containing the results of the search (and not the start page of Google):


Note:Links to update server settings do not work in Gmail and some other email applications, but they work in popular clients such as AquaMail, K9, and MailWise. They have been tested in AquaMail and K9 and work correctly in these applications.


Linking to a solution from a design component

A design component can be linked to a solution via the component's Open URL action. For example, if a button is clicked, the button's Open URL action can specify that a solution is opened.


Create a solution link as follows:


1.For the event on which you wish to specify the solution link, create an Open URL action (see screenshot below).

2.Create an XPath expression that uses the mt-run-solution-url function to generate the URL of the solution. The function is described below.



Using hyperlink query parameter values in other design components

When a solution is opened by triggering a hyperlink that is associated with a control event or page event, any parameter values in the hyperlink's URL are passed to the solution and can then be used in other design components in the target solution. The values are stored by default as a map in the \$MT_InputParameters global variable of the target solution.


Alternatively, you can can change the data structure of the \$MT_InputParameters variable in individual projects (in the More Project Settings dialog) to be a sequence of string values. If string values are passed to \$MT_InputParameters, these are alphabetically sorted on the key of the URL's parameters. The order of the string values in the \$MT_InputParameters sequence is the same as that in the sequence submitted to the mt-run-solution-url-parameters function for generating the URL's query parameters. Since the order of string values in the \$MT_InputParameters is known to you (alphabetically sorted on the parameter keys), each string can be accessed in XPath expressions by using position predicates. For example: \$MT_InputParameters[1] returns the first string value in the sequence, and \$MT_InputParameters[2] returns the second string value.


Linking to a solution from an email that the end-user sends

The Send Email To action enables emails to be sent from the client and server. If an email is sent as HTML, you can add a hyperlink to the body of the email. The link can open a MobileTogether solution. To add a link to the email body, use the mt-html-anchor function in the XPath expression of the Body option (see screenshot below).


The mt-html-anchor function takes two arguments: LinkText and TargetURL. It uses these two arguments to create an HTML hyperlink element: <a href="TargetURL">LinkText</a>


For example:


mt-html-anchor('Unregister from mailing list', mt-run-solution-url('', '/public/unregister', ''))


generates an HTML code fragment of the following pattern:


<a href="LinkTo unregister.mtd">Unregister from mailing list</a>


The mt-run-solution-url function generates the URL that links to the solution (using the mobiletogether:// scheme), and this URL is stored as the value of the hyperlink's href attribute.


Note:When a link is created with the mt-run-solution-url function, it is created with the mobiletogether:// scheme (and not the http:// scheme), which enables a solution to be opened from the email applications of mobile devices. However, if the email is opened on a web client, the link to open the solution must use the http:// scheme. In this case, therefore, the http:// link must be manually created; the mt-run-solution-url function should not be used in this case.


Note:For web clients, a link can be created that goes directly to a solution on the server, for example, http://localhost:8085/run?d=/public/BizBudget. If the solution's container on the server has been configured to allow anonymous access, then the end user will not need to log in to the server, but can use the solution directly. For information about setting access levels on the server, see the MobileTogether Server user manual.


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