Inserting Package Diagram elements
Using the toolbar icons
1.Click the specific icon in the Package Diagram toolbar.

2.Click in the diagram to insert the element. To insert multiple elements of the selected type, hold down the Ctrl key and click in the diagram window.
Dragging existing elements into the Package Diagram
Elements occurring in other diagrams, e.g. other packages, can be inserted into a Package diagram.
1.Locate the element you want to insert in the Model Tree tab (you can use the search function text box, or press Ctrl+F to search for any element).
2.Drag the element(s) into the diagram.

Inserts the package element into the diagram. Packages are used to group elements and also to provide a namespace for the grouped elements. Being a namespace, a package can import individual elements of other packages, or all elements of other packages. Packages can also be merged with other packages.

Inserts the Profile element, which is a specific type of package that can be applied to other packages.
The Profiles package is used to extend the UML meta model. The primary extension construct is the Stereotype, which is itself part of the profile. Profiles must always be related to a reference meta model such as UML, they cannot exist on their own.

Inserts the Dependency element, which indicates a supplier/client relationship between modeling elements, in this case packages, or profiles.

Inserts an <<import>> relationship which shows that the elements of the included package will be imported into the including package. The namespace of the including package gains access to the included namespace; the namespace of the included package is not affected.
Note: | Elements defined as "private" within a package, cannot be merged or imported. |

Inserts a <<merge>> relationship which shows that the elements of the merged (source) package will be imported into the merging (target) package, including any imported contents of the merged (source) package.
If the same element exists in the target package then these elements' definitions will be expanded by those from the target package. Updated or added elements are indicated by a generalization relationship back to the source package.
Note: | Elements defined as "private" within a package, cannot be merged or imported. |

Inserts a Profile Application which shows which profiles have been applied to a package. This is a type of package import that states that a Profile is applied to a Package.
The Profile extends the package it has been applied to. Applying a profile, using the ProfileApplication icon, means that all stereotypes that are part of it, are also available to the package.
Profile names are shown as dashed arrows from the package to the applied profile, along with the <<apply>> keyword.