Checking Where and If Elements Are Used
While navigating the elements in the Model Tree, you might want to see where, or if, the element is actually present in a model diagram. To find where elements are used, do one of the following:
•Right-click the element in the Model Tree window, and select Show element in all diagrams (or, if a diagram is currently open, Show element in active diagram).
You can also find elements not used in any diagram either for the entire project, or for individual packages.
To find unused elements in the entire project:
•On the Project menu, click List elements not used in any diagram.
To find unused elements for a specific package:
•Right-click the package you would like to inspect, and select List elements not used in any diagram.
A list of unused elements appears in the Messages window. Note that the unused elements are displayed for the currently selected package and its subpackages. Items inside parentheses are elements which have been configured to appear in the unused list, from Tools | Options | View tab.

Click the element name in the Messages window to locate it in the Model Tree.